


The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (2010-2013 TV Series)

Enchantress's powers and abilities

Asgardian Physiology: Amora possesses a superhuman physique that is common to Asgardians. Due to this heritage, Amora possesses a number of superhuman physical attributes, as well as an incredible talent for the ways of sorcery.

Like all Asgardians, her body's tissues, bones, and muscles are all three times as dense as a normal human's, contributing to both her greater strength and weight. This density makes her bulletproof, as well as giving her protection against physical attacks from even the strongest opponents, such as the Hulk. She is shown to be stronger than most Asgardian females, able to lift about 25 tons. Her speed, reflexes, agility, and stamina are similarly enhanced. These abilities pale in comparison to her magical abilities, however.

Magic: Amora is the most powerful and skilled sorceress in the Nine Realms, which is obvious from her title of 'Enchantress' and the not-so-affectionate nickname of 'Witch' that is given to her by Thor and Sif. This magic manifests itself in the physical world as green smoke, which Amora manipulates however she wishes, from casting magical beams to casting spells.

Sorcery: As a sorceress, Amora is able to make enchantments and cast spells, both on people and objects. When going to visit Loki in his banishment, Amora opened an enchanted space where Loki regained his voice. To break into Stark Mansion, Amora cast a spell on herself to go unnoticed by the cameras, turning invisible. During her first fight against the Avengers, she even managed to enchant the hammer Mjölnir so that Thor could not touch it. To aid Zemo in his plan with the Norm Stone, Amora cast a spell on the manifested energy to control it.

Magical Energy Manipulation: Amora manifests and releases her magic in the form of a glowing green mist, which she usually uses to perform her attacks in the form of blasts and waves of flowing magical energy, triggering explosions. In addition to attacks, Amora can also contain her targets with her magical energy, creating bindings around their bodies, as she did with the Avengers when invading Tony Stark's mansion. The only thing that seems to be able to wear down Amora's powers is Asgardian magic itself, such as the full force of Mjölnir's lightning bolts and the Norm Stones.

Force Field Projection: With her magical energy, Amora can generate durable force fields and protective barriers that have been shown to be strong enough to counter punches from the Hulk and lightning from Thor.

Opening portals: As a form of teleportation, Amora often uses her magic to open portals, being able to extend her reach to other realms, as she did when sending the Hulk to Jotunheim. She always teleports along with her allies, serving as an escape tactic for herself and others such as the Executioner and villains.

Telekinesis: By wrapping her magic in matter, Amora can control the movement of objects, people, and even shape, to a limited extent, the shape of the material. She managed to contain Iron Man's armor and throw him away. When she went to deliver the Norm Stone to Zemo, she lifted the bag with the stone in the air and sent it to the villain. She was once able to stop Thor's throw with Mjölnir in mid-air. When confronting the Crimson Dynamo, Iron Man and Hawkeye in a field of ice, Amora used the surrounding ice to create a giant hand to attack and, right after, raised several pieces of ice in the air, creating a single one of size of an island, dropping everything on top of rivals.

Transmutation: Amora can transform matter into whatever she wants with her magic. When Chemistro attacked Amora, turning her into a withered tree, she used her magic to reverse her molecular state, returning her to her normal state. Upon being trapped inside a slimy mass monster created by MODOK, Amora turned the creature to stone from the inside out, exploding it shortly afterwards.

Shapeshifting: Amora can alter her physical form entirely, including gender, appearance, height, weight, and voice. In her first meeting with Thor, the Asgardian didn't even realize he was talking to the sorceress, as she was disguised as a common citizen. Once, to gain access to Stark Manor, Amora changed her form into that of Bruce Banner. To capture the Wasp and capture it separately from the Avengers, Amora turned into a random villain, luring the heroine into a trap, leaving her surrounded by several villains. Seeking revenge on Zemo, Enchantress transformed into Chemistro and pretended to be "injured" to enter the Avengers facility, however, Black Panther's thermal reader was able to see Amora's true form.