Elspeth Tirel (Archangel)

Elspeth Tirel (Archangel)

Elspeth Tirel

Magic: the Gathering

Elspeth Tirel's powers and abilities

Neowalker - Elspeth is a Post-Mending Planeswalker, allowing her to freely travel through the Blind Eternities to other planes without being erased from existence. Her Spark also grants her immunities to various corrupting effects and raises many of her base resistances and gives her a much greater mana pool than any average being. Planeswalkers also possess the ability to summon mana duplicates of allies they have made throughout their journeys.

Martial Training - Elspeth's time on Bant saw her train as one of their exalted knights of the realm. Due to this training she is an immensely powerful combatant being a master with almost all knightly weapons (preferring the lance and the sword) as well as being a talented tactician.

Archangel - Elspeth was reforged into a powerful archangel by the will of the long-thought dead planeswalker Serra. Elsepth can now fly, has much increased senses and has seen all of her latent white magic heightened. Her light is now powerful enough to cut right through Elesh Norn's armor with ease and she can use it to fully heal her allies.



Intelligence140 IQ
Strength400+ tons
Speed6x Speed of Sound

Super Powers

Accelerated HealingAgilityAngel PhysiologyAuraCold ResistanceCorruption ResistanceDamage BoostDimensional TravelDisguise ResistanceEnduranceEnergy ResistanceEnhanced HearingEnhanced SightExtrasensory PerceptionFearlessFlightHeat GenerationHeat ResistanceHoly ManipulationHoly ResistanceIlluminationImmortality NegationIndomitable WillLight ControlLongevityMagicMagic ResistanceMeltingMind Control ResistancePurificationReactive Power LevelRegeneration NegationSelf-SustenanceSoul ResistanceStatistics AmplificationSummoningSwordsmanshipToxin and Disease ResistanceVitakinesisWeapon-based PowersWeapons MasterAttack NegationBanishBlessedCurse ResistanceDamage ReductionDanger SenseDurability NegationElectricity ResistanceEnergy AbsorptionEnergy BeamsEnergy BlastsEnergy ConstructsEnergy ManipulationExplosion ManipulationFire ResistanceHellfire ResistanceHope InducementIllusion ResistanceInvulnerabilityLeadershipLevitationMagic AbsorptionMaster TacticianPacemiakinesisParalysisPossession ResistancePower BestowalPower SensePreparationSealingTelepathyTelepathy ResistanceUnholy ResistanceVaporising BeamsWeapon CreationWeapon SummoningAttack ReflectionAudio ControlCosmic AwarenessDanmakuExistence Erasure ResistanceFate ResistanceHoming AttackIllusionsImmortalityMaster Martial ArtistMatter ManipulationMolecular ManipulationPortal CreationPower ModificationPower NullifierPrecognitionRegenerationResurrectionSoul Manipulation