Edgar The Bug

Edgar The Bug


Men in Black

Edgar The Bug's powers and abilities

Powers and Abilities

  • Heightened Intellect: despite being considered inferior in comparison to the more civilized individuals of the universe, Edgar possesses a sharper and more advanced level of intelligence than his earth relatives.

  • Super Strength: Edgar is shown to possess limitless strength, but within his human suit, it seems somewhat inhibited it to an extent.

  • Super Flexibility being 12 feet tall, he is able to awkwardly fit himself into the skin and clothing of a 6' male human.

  • Wall-Crawling Edgar is capable of scaling any vertical surface with ease.

  • Super Leaping Edgar is agile and nimble, able to hop extremely high in the air.

  • Vocal Camouflage Edgar can considerably alter the sound of his voice though it still sounds inhuman.

  • Slime Secretion capable of secreting a viscous slime-like substance which is utilized as a restraining tool.

  • Collective Sense Edgar is able to feel the presence of nearby insects. This is clear when anyone crushes cockroaches and Edgar, without looking, gets annoyed.