
OC Dusk-Spider

Julius Porter

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Dusk-Spider's powers and abilities

Julius has the main spidey powers, and he has the abilities to manipulate shadows which is not limited to grabbing objects and beings, gliding on them, attacking/defending with them, cloaking with them, and more. He also has the ability to make a shadow-pocket dimension to obtain a powerful sniper that he can use. He can also use this pocket dimension to travel to it for as long as he can breathe, and to open a foot long portal for a second to negate some weapons or projectiles coming towards him

Dusk-Spider's weaknesses

His power is sunlight and users of light. He can only use his powers from already-existing shadows and can only extend these from said shadows. Just like most spider-men, he is limited of spider webs so he must carry around filled web shooters