Drengr Of The Æsir

Drengr Of The �sir

Name unknown

Superhero Database Original Characters

Drengr Of The �sir's powers and abilities

Drengr Of The �?sir is the champion of the �?sir (Norse gods) such as [c=]Thor[/c], [c=]Odin[/c], [c=]Frigg[/c], and the many other's. As their champion he's given an amount of each of their power, the amount depending on his task. At his full power, he's as powerful as all the �?sir combined. Which makes him a formidable foe. However, this power is limited by how much the �?sir are willing to give him, of course they are able to take his power away from him at anytime if he tries to use his borrowed power against them. The Warrior is only summoned when there is a task either none of the �?sir want to do, or can do. The Warrior can also resurrect if he is killed as long as the �?sir allow him grant him the power to do so. So the only true way to kill him, is to either kill �?sir, or to convince them to remove their power from him (Which is the harder of the two, for why would the gods want their greatest warrior to die?)