

Latest Comments

These are the 50 latest comments made by Dovahkiin0118

0 months member
Emperor Of Mankind (In the Warp) (Warhammer 40K) "great job kid. well done you are self-debunked with your logic."

Typical 11 year primary school comeback but ill assume that's what you are anyways I'm surprised you have any logic at all

"As for Quora? in which the Scalers community grow worse and do incorrect analysis and not having an accurate scientific understanding and context of some cosmology"

Yet quora scalers aren't r*tarded f*ggoty idiots like you who babble about using religion on beings like Eru when he is just interpretation not the actual god of the religion
E.g: Sun Wukong with Son Goku and Mori Jin or Nordic Thor with MCU/Marvel Thor

" and . I'm not saying that everyone is like that, but let's take people like you for example."

In the words of Loki "there aren't many men like me"

And in the words of Loki "I know what I want, what kind of god I need to be — for you, for all of us.”

In words shut your mouth you don't know shit about me. oh I'm only being aggressive because for months you've done the same to Alezzi for a long time now so it's only fair you get a taste of your own medicine.

" I haven't logged into Quora since I last logged in."

Well congrats for stating the obvious

" I heard you had a debate with xrpl320 on Quora, "
It's not a debate if my opponent was spamming and being a self entitled little fairy b*tch

"and here is a wave of lies written by you that I found, you just say that Eru is Outer + and not boundless and is not the author of the Narrative that everyone can see.and unlike others"

Woah wait a minute I never said he wasn't the author of his story in fact that debate had NOTHING to do with Eru it was with Aslan so why don't you check your sources before you speak big boy.

Anyways Being the author of the story doesn't give you automatic Boundless Scaling you need to be
- complete beyond all hierarchies
- completely untouched by beings of lower realities
- completely beyond any and all concepts of your creation
- only one of you can exist
- you cannot be perceived by lower beings

Here is the issue ok
Eru can be interacted and perceived by lower beings like Melkor(aka GOAT) and the Vala.

When the Vala sang to create Ea Melkor sang a different tone that stopped Eru's power for abit but Eru being the boring character he is overpowered it back and e.a was created

And the we saw in morgoths ring and the simirlion he can be accessed by other being

Therefore he isn't boundless in the slightest but hey I'll be fair to you for once and give him High 1-A Scaling(VSBW) or Extraversal(CSAP)

" I'm not downplaying 40k to galaxy level. and don't say you debunked people with your big misinformation."
I have seen multiple screenshots of you saying 40k is galaxy quit your lying

And I don't know how to share to pics on this website but if I knew I'd easily show you or have alezzi show you regardless I'm not gonna be on here that much hence why if you wanna talk to me come on discord my user is the same my user on here I'll be waiting for since you have cold feet of coming back to Quora. Oh and before you say I have cold feet for this website no offense to the creators and people here but the website low-key sucks considering the lag spikes are annoying and their reply system sucks ass

" any have subjective analysis but nobody cannot erase what is clearly shown on the page."
I mean if you actually read what I said it wasn't about eru but you're the type to hear and it automatically believe it I bet you are so gullible that you would assume goku is beyond boundless if someone said it.

"and no matter how a person like you tries to twist or dismiss the facts, you cannot rewrite that, which has been established."

Expect I didn't twist or dismiss any of the factors provided if went to them piece by piece and debunked them as they didn't line up with the Scaling and then I saw religion being brought and didn't take it seriously because why would something like faith be relevant to a vs battle.

"everyone is free to have their own interpretations, but not their own facts"

I agree with this actually yes everyone is entitled to their own interpretations and opinions which is perfectly OK with me I say on quora and I'll say it here too you don't have to agree with me we can agree to disagree and you have yourself a wonderful day. But what I won't stand for is appeal to faith fallacies like "eru is god and he's basically the Christian god therfore he wins" that is completely both idiotic and asinine or absurd as Religions such as Christianity isn't a supreme belief and is a subjective belief therefore its not relevant to a vs battle. You don't see me go around saying SCP-343 is God and he's God from The Bible therefore he solos the scp verse and all verses because he's god.
0 months member
Emperor Of Mankind (In the Warp) (Warhammer 40K) I'm just here to debunk this little shit stain and waste of human flesh and that xp fairy f*ck that I already debunked on quora and it sucks that i cannot share pics here but I honestly won't be on here as much as alezzi is my friend I could care less about this site

"The Warp/Immaterium is consistently portrayed as being infinitely vast and transcending dimensions, time, causality. It exists on a qualitatively higher Plan than the physical universe (Materium)."

Yes it is and 1 layer of it = Outerversal

"( Interactions between entities from the Materium and Immaterium are explained as those entities tapping into powers that exist on a higher plane in the Warp, not actual feats performed by the Warp itself. Materium and Immaterium are described as having infinite layers that transcend one another. Individual entities like the Chaos Gods, Warp/Void Entities are argued to ultimately occupy an "abstract" state of existence, beyond dimensional existence within these higher layers of the Warp.)"

Yes but there isn't a finite number of layers in the warp there is infinite amounts of them and in fact if we low ball the warp it's High Outerversal because
- it has infinite sized layers
- each layer transcending the last
- there being an infinite number of them

This abstraction is cited as evidence for Tier 1-A classification after all. using agruments that the 40k cosmology is high outerversal to Extraversal level turned out to be a full of Extraversal wanks...

"here are two blogs about 40k cosmology: which provides better informative context as to how Warhammer deities, higher layer, void entities, etc. "
No It doesn't you just like that Xrpl fellow just copy and pasted and you don't do the full on research you're lazy asf and honestly you're pathetic after what I've seen about you

"qualify for the tier of 1-A based on their portrayed abilities and roles within the 40k cosmology setting."
Those are only for lesser beings like greater daemons primarchs overlords Phoenix Lords and lower deities

"1.Link: The Grand Warhammer Cosmology. - VS Battles Wiki"

Appeal to false authority

"2. Link: Warhammer Universe Cosmology - All Fiction Battles Wiki"

Appeal to false authority part 2

None of those cosmology blogs show enough scans or evidence or even enough deities. You sound f*cking stupid then again you think fictional beings like Eru and Aslan are boundless when they are not. Literally a whole community provided evidence why and they also debunked ultimas vsbw boundless eru crap. So if you wanna continue this conversation come on Discord (my username is the same on discord) or come on quora because honestly this website has many issues and I'm not talking about the obvious ones like you and Xrpl5009 or whatever I mean there are many lag spikes and functions that barely wear

So anyways Discord or Quora
I'll be waiting

Oh and to Xp whatever you name is
You didn't debunk me for shit you spam posted 3 posts which I gathered and broken down piece by piece with actual evidence and shut you down so stop lying to the people