Doomsday (Time Trapper)

Doomsday (Time Trapper)


DC Rebirth


amaltaas 2 mo 1 d
Doomsday (Time Trapper)
7 months member
Okay we do need this profile after new issue
Rotemeg 2 mo 8 d
Doomsday (Time Trapper)
21 months member
Isn't this the same doomsday as king of hell?
What's the difference Between the two?
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amaltaas 2 mo 8 d
Doomsday (Time Trapper)
7 months member
He has literally appeared only once so we currently don't know. The Time Trapper role is taken by a Time Trapper that exists at the End of Time. We have already seen different versions of Time Trapper, like one in which he is Superboy. Time Trapper is extremely powerful so I assume that this version of Doomsday is also much more powerful.

Currently, I think this is a future/alternative version of Doomsday, so he should be more powerful than King of Hell (my thoughts, we could see the story going in another direction). Next issue comes out on the 27th so I guess we don't have to wait long.