Don Marco

Don Marco

Chimp Bod

Don Marco's History

Don Marco (also known as chimp bot) was a special chimp, the first chimp that was born by crossbreeding a human with a chimpanzee. This gave chimp incredible knowledge and psyhical stats. Growing up chimp was neglected and borderline tortured where he had to undergo extreme tests and was used as a pretty much a "labrat". After years of torment chimp would get agreviated to the point where he saw only blood red and would rip the head of one of the proffesors off. It would take dozens of sleep darts to finnaly put chimp to sleep. Because of chimps incredible inteligence he was charged just as a human would and was put in a mexican jail. Here he would quickly earn respect from the higher ups and he would slowly form his own gang and eventually escape jail and become the biggest druglord in the last centuray.

Something that needs to be noted is that chimp actaully never cared that he got tormented and because he was crossbreeded his brain was extremely unstable, while being experimented on with various diffrent drugs he observed and planned, seeing the effect and possibilities with drug dealing he planned and schemed to become a cartel drug lord so he killed one of the scientist knowing he would be charged like a human.