Doctor Occult

Doctor Occult


Doctor Occult's powers and abilities

Although Doctor Occult often prefers to rely on his sharp analytical mind in cases, he also possesses various mystical abilities. He can travel great distances in a second, by entering and leaving the astral plane. He can also shift from physical to astral form while on Earth, thereby being able to observe events invisibly. He can become immaterial for brief periods, alter his size (or at least appear to do so), and create illusions with a magical form of hypnotism. He also possesses certain telekinetic abilities. Apart from this, Occult has also amassed a great knowledge and many spells that can be used in various situations.

While Rose Psychic has mostly the same skills that Occult has, they do possess certain individual abilities as well. Hence, they sometimes find it convenient that Doc handles a matter, sometimes it's better if Rose does it. They can instantly alter to their other persona, still the same being, but with different soul and different appearance. And different sex, of course.

The Seven gave Doctor Occult his mystic symbol, resembling a cross in a circle, that he uses to repel and exorcise various supernatural beings and spells, and even certain form of natural energy. Dr. Occult has also invented a psionic device that can detect evil thought waves. The sword and the Egyptian belt Occult was given to battle Koth, had many mystical abilities, one of which was to transform people to stone, but it seems that he never relies on those artifacts these days.

Doc and Rose don't appear to have aged since the 1940s, retaining their youth through mystic means.