Doctor Fate

Doctor Fate

Giovanni Zatara

Young Justice (2010- TV Series)


superstarmaster 10 mo 49 m
Doctor Fate
40 months member
@MoNsTeR can you change his pfp to this?
Last edited: 9 mo 30 d ago.
superstarmaster 10 mo 7 d
Doctor Fate
40 months member
@MoNsTeR can you scale Fate higher please?
He can beat Klarion with a good fight

he should be scaled a bit higher than Klarion since he can beat him, but lower than Child because she one shot him
whoever edited him forgot to give him powers
also his strength should be higher he can easily throw giant rubble off of him and break thru magic Ice
and combat should be 70 at least he has had millions of years of experience fighting mystical threats and Nabu is the one in control so his exp counts