Doctor Deranged

Doctor Deranged

Stephen Deranged

universe Humorverse

Doctor Deranged's powers and abilities

Magic in general: Doctor Deranged is a master of magic and can use blobs of light, weird balloon lettering and hand gestures with great skills. Apparently his other powers derive from this one.[2]

Astral Form: Doctor Derange can leave his body as a lifeless corpse and then his ectoplasmic spirit-body (or spirit body) will float invisibly into the night, although people will still be able to see his invisible form. This astral form is solid and must break walls to go through them. When returning to his body, Deranged can occupy any other lifeless body in his range.[3]

Change channel: Doctor Deranged can change the channel of his television set with a hand gesture, even when he is not holding a remote control.[4]

Cold Spell: This spell creates cold and snow from nothing.[3]

Crimson Band of Cincinnati: This spell creates a red-colored jazz band from nothing which will perform bad music and make the enemy dance. However, this is a very stupid spell which angers Doormammoomoo.[3]

Dimension Travel: He can also travel through dimensions with a pass of the mystical gas, avoiding customs and not passing the "go" square to collect two hundred dollars.[3] Deranged's dimensional travel is powerful enough to escape the Marvel omniverse and reach places beyond the copyright such as Cen*sure.[2]

Hot Spell: This spell creates heath and flames from nothing.[3]

Hovering Hoops of Hula: This spell creates hula-hoop-like circles from the air that can restrain an enemy's movement or, in some cases, simply entertain a powerful enough enemy.[3]

Levitation: Doctor Deranged can levitate in air as if sitting on a chair,[2][4] Deranged can levitate when resting but also to meditate or to sleep.[3]

Telekinesis: Doctor Deranged can telekinetically manipulate small items such as a comb, mirror and cologne to smarten up.[2]

Waking Spell: (Assumed name) Deranged can wake up sleeping people by invoking the Terrible Ticking of Timex and the Baneful Bonging of Big Ben's Bell, but the waking targets will say that Deranged was only making too much noise for them to sleep.[3]

Other invocations: Deranged has invoked the hoary hoagies of Howard Johnson,[4] the All-Seeing Eye of Mister Moto and the Hairy Half-Moons of Houdini,[3] but the effects of those are unclear. He can summon demons with a snap of his hand.[1]


Doctor Deranged is a qualified doctor of medicine as well as a crewman of a starship.[11] He also has a number of other skills, mainly dramatically raising hands to invoke gestures-[2][3] Deranged can also meditate in a trance-like state of which he can suddenly get out when perceiving the presence of his faithful butler Bong… or not.[3] Lastly, Deranged knows chiromancy and is a palm reader.[9]

Doctor Deranged's weaknesses

Lack of common sense: Doctor Deranged tends to talk to himself and has no sense to cover when walking under the rain. He cannot understand women either, but who can?[3]

Uncontrolled hair: When Doctor Deranged starts a long insulting speech, his hairs suddenly stand upright.[