Doc Sasquatch

Doc Sasquatch

Leonard Samson

universe Prime Marvel Universe

Doc Sasquatch's powers and abilities

  • Sasquatch Form: After resurrecting into the body of Walter Langkowski, Samson presumably enjoys the same powers Langkowski gained in his Sasquatch form:

  • Superhuman Strength
  • Superhuman Durability
  • Superhuman Speed
  • Superhuman Stamina
  • Regenerative Healing Factor


Doc Samson is a skilled psychiatrist, said to be one of the most renowned on Earth. He is also an M.D. as well as a PhD. He has used a nutrient bath to separate Banner and the Hulk and placed a rem-integrator in the Hulk's head to put him to sleep. While he's had no formal training, his powers make him a formidable hand-to-hand combatant. He typically uses street fighting techniques that allow him to make full use of his strength.