Do you like or hate this verse?
Created by Mr_Incognito, 3 y 8 mo 10 h 39 m ago.
Post a verse on this topic and like or dislike the verse depending on whether you like it or not. (Doesn't have to be comics)
@Supersomebody @Pedrof @Supremedreams @Alien_X @Batgod @Savage @Tyrannus @Juggernot @Holy_Joe @Superguy251 @Deandinosasur6 @SSpidergwen @ThorMathews @R165 @Oblivion @Blotsky @Akhilpdx @Emptyhand @Vcowles77
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Mansolo3200 1 y 11 mo 28 d
Do you like or hate this verse? #
I love warhammer40k and Marvel
vcowles77 3 y 6 mo 27 d
Do you like or hate this verse? #
vcowles77 3 y 6 mo 27 d
Do you like or hate this verse? #
Twin Peaks