Dictator Doom

Dictator Doom

Victor Von Doom

universe House of M

Dictator Doom's powers and abilities

  • Liquid Metal: Doom's body can be coated in a liquid metal, which was created from a mixture of technology and mysticism.

  • Weapon Formation: Doom may form his limbs into various weapons, mostly consisting of blades and axes.

  • Superhuman Durability: Doom's metal body provides him with a form of superhuman durability. Thus making him impervious to injury to a certain extent.

  • Superhuman Strength: Doom's metal body provides him with a form of superhuman strength.

  • Stretching: Doom can extend his limbs, allowing him to; restrain opponents very efficiently by using his liquid metallic form to entangle them or to reach opponents at a distance.

  • Shapeshifting: Doom possesses limited shapeshifting capabilities, he is capable of this by; stretching, deforming, expanding, or compressing his entire body or parts of it.


  • Romani Sorcery: Doctor Doom's potential in the mystic arts comes from the Roma (i.e. Romani, not the character Roma) heritage of his mother. He learned these abilities from extensive study in ancient and forgotten secrets of alchemy and black magic. Doom also presumably was tutored somewhat by his mother.

  • Mystical Blasts
  • Spell Casting
  • Dimensional Travel


  • Genius-level Intellect: Doom's most dangerous weapon is his genius-level intellect. He is easily one of the top mortal minds on the planet. Doom specializes in physics, robotics, cybernetics, genetics, weapons technology, biochemistry, and time travel. He also has natural talents for leadership, strategy, politics, and manipulation.

  • Highly Influential Connections: As Monarch of Latveria, Doom has access to a vast collection of magical artifacts, technological and military hardware. Doom also has command of conventional military forces.

  • Diplomatic Immunity: As the leader of a sovereign nation, Doom enjoys diplomatic immunity and his embassy is considered foreign soil.

Dictator Doom's weaknesses

  • Magnetism: Doom's metallic body is magnetic; a weakness used by the Master of Magnetism, Magneto.

  • Arrogance and Pride: Doom's excessive pride and arrogance (which has been further fueled by his mother), has lead to the loss of those he loves; with both his wife's and son's death and his mother's betrayal.

  • Electricity: Doom's metallic body conducts electricity; a weakness pointed out by the Queen of Kenya, Storm.



Intelligence150 IQ
Strength350 kg • 772 lb
Speed8 m/s

Super Powers

DurabilityIntelligenceSuper StrengthElasticityMagicDimensional TravelShapeshiftingWeapon Creation