DC or Marvel
Created by wolfdragon123, 6 y 8 mo 23 d ago.
I'm just curious to see which one is more popular on this website, so pick which one you like better in general (comics, movies, TV shows, animation, games, etc): DC or Marvel. PLEASE DO NOT EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER, JUST SAY "DC" OR "MARVEL." This will make it easier to get a better general idea of the distribution of support on each side. If you wish to explain, you can go here: https://www.superherodb.com/forum/which-is-better-marvel-or-dc/100-83/
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Mansolo3200 1 y 10 mo 23 d
DC or Marvel #
Bane333 5 y 9 mo 7 d
DC or Marvel #
O this what's more popular we'll marvels more popular but I like dc more dc's an 10 and marvel's an mmm 4
SilverFang 5 y 9 mo 7 d
DC or Marvel #
Definitely Marvel.