Darth Sidious (Dark Empire)

Darth Sidious (Dark Empire)

Sheev Palpatine

Star Wars: Legends Multiverse


Alidewan33 6 mo 15 d
Darth Sidious (Dark Empire)
7 months member
two profile for palpatine legends guys they are same picture delete one of them
Pedrof 3 y 10 mo 18 d
Darth Sidious (Dark Empire)
60 months member
@AkhilPDX, I'll make it simple for you, DE Sidious must have Spatial Manipulation in purple (After the death of his physical body, he became a seething nexus of Dark Side energy that could tear apart the fabric of space and devour everything in his vicinity) and Existence Erasure and Existence erasure resistance in purple (Via Dark Side Tendrils), also time manipulation and time manipulation resistence in purple (via force storm)
Last edited: 3 y 10 mo 18 d ago.
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AkhilPDX 3 y 10 mo 18 d
Darth Sidious (Dark Empire)
96 months member
Provide evidence for each of that and I'll see if it fits the criteria.