Darth Nox

Darth Nox

Remowa Alucard

Star Wars: Legends Multiverse

Darth Nox's powers and abilities

Darth Nox was able to channel the Force and adapt it in ways that suited a variety of needs, including subduing, stunning or killing of foes. Nox was also an astonishingly proficient user of Force lightning. The young Sith was a proficient lightsaber duelist, utilizing a standard lightsaber in combat.

Proof of Darth Nox's power was demonstrated when Khem Val, the former servant of Tulak Hord, became one of Nox's companions despite many powerful Dark Lords avoiding Khem Val while imprisoned in stasis due to the Dashade's Force immunity and record for killing and devouring even some of the most powerful Force-sensitives.

The immediate aspiration for the young, powerful Sith apprentice and eventually Sith Lord was ascension to the Dark Council. Nox's strength in the dark side was enough to completely overpower a Dark Council member of Darth Thanaton's caliber. During her duel with Thanaton, Nox demonstrated the ability to use Force deflection to fend off Force lightning, such as when Nox effortlessly swatted aside Thanaton's lightning attacks. Telekinesis was among the young Sith's talents, such as when Nox threw Thanaton clear across the Dark Council chamber. Nox's telekinesis was also able to halt Darth Thanaton's lightsaber strike and force the experienced Dark Lord to his knees.

Darth Nox was immensely proficient in the "innate gift" of Sith Sorcery, particularly the long forgotten Force walk ritual to draw strength from multiple Sith spirits in order to explosively augment their power in the dark side. Her tremendously increased powers through the use of Force Walk was enough to overpower a Sith Lord as strong as Darth Thanaton. As explained by Aloysius Kallig, Nox has a rare "pull among ghosts", enabling them to sense Nox's presence from a distance and invoke long hidden emotions. Nox was also a proficient user of the Force Storm, using it in combat against a variety of enemies and attackers. The young Sith was also capable of using Force drain and used it to drain opponents while invigorating the young Sith and allies.

Much like The Emperor's Wrath, Darth Nox was extraordinarily strong willed as the young Sith was able to resist the spirits' attempts to drive the Sith Lord mad, the fear-inducing powers of the Dread Masters, and even the dominating abilities of the Sith Emperor himself.