


universe DC Extended Universe

Darkseid's History

Lord Darkseid, once known as Uxas, is an ancient and all-powerful cosmic New God warlord who reigns over the fiery planet Apokolips and desires to rule the entire multiverse by harnessing the power of the Anti-Life Equation. He is the nephew of his herald, General Steppenwolf.

Because of this tyrannical goal, he is the greatest arch nemesis of the Justice League, the champions of the planet Earth, the only world that was able to resist his conquest.

Seeking dominance

Invasion of Earth

Thousands of years ago, before the mighty Uxas took control of his home planet, Apokolips, he became obsessed with the legendary Anti-Life Equation, a transcendental mathematical formula that eradicates free will. After locating the Equation on the planet Earth, he traveled there with an enormous army, planning take the power of the Equation and use the seemingly weak world as a test run for his new power. Upon arrival, he gained access to the Equation, and prepared to put it to use, but unfortunately for him, the native beings of that world, four powerful races known as Humans, Atlanteans, Amazons, and Old Gods, formed their own army to protect their world, even calling in help from the Green Lantern Corps in the form of Yalan Gur. Uxas managed to kill Yalan Gur and activate the Equation, but was defeated by Ares, whom grieviously cleaved Uxas' shoulder, forcing his Parademons to drag a weakened Darkseid back to the ship and was forced to retreat with his army, the Equation being taken from him as he did so along with the Mother Boxes being unintentionally being left behind in their haste. A furious Uxas was undeterred and vowed to claim the Equation again, renaming himself "Darkseid" to show that he was above failure. Through yet to be revealed reasons, the exact location of the planet, the Motherboxes, and Anti-Life was forgotten by Darkseid and his forces, who began a search that spanned thousands of years and the conquering of countless planets.

Refocusing on the Terran populace

Millennia later, in 2015, the Mother Boxes begin to reawaken due to Superman's death.

In 2017, while in the process of gathering the Boxes to create Unity, Darkseid's exiled general Steppenwolf rediscovered the Anti-Life Equation on Earth. Darkseid was informed that Earth was not only the planet that held the Motherboxes but also held the Anti-Life Equation he had failed to acquire. Upon learning this, Darkseid ordered Steppenwolf to prepare for his arrival and to terraform the planet with the Unity. However, Darseid's exiled minion was defeated and slain by the Justice League before he could do so, lead by the newly resurrected Superman, and Darkseid's three Mother Boxes on Earth were disabled. This made Darkseid unable to come to Earth through a portal, but an undeterred Darkseid resolved to come via "the old ways"; by direct warfare against Earth, tasking his servant DeSaad with preparing the Apokoliptian invading force. Martian Manhunter shortly thereafter introduced himself to Batman, and warned that Darkseid was not through with Earth yet.


After making in to Earth and tirelessly fighting the Justice League, Darkseid got his hands on the Anti-Life Equation again, and continued his conquest of the Multiverse. While fighting the League this time, Darkseid somehow killed Lois Lane (which Batman failed to prevent), which made a devastated Superman susceptible to the Anti-Life Equation. Darkseid then had his new general Superman murder Aquaman (and presumably Wonder Woman as well), and made himself ruler of Earth, transforming it into a hellscape wasteland. Darkseid tasked Superman with using the Regime to take down the Insurgency, the human/metahuman rebellion against the forces of Apokolips. The Insurgency fought well, but after years of fighting, most Insurgents were either converted to Parademons or were dead, and Batman, the Insurgency founder and leader, was killed by Superman, leaving only the Flash and Cyborg to stand against Darkseid.