

universe Teen Titans (Tv Series 2003-2006)

Cyclone's History

The Cyclones came into existence after Brother Blood's initial encounters with Cyborg. Fascinated by his technology, Blood managed to purloin Cyborg's blueprints by mentally "hacking" into Cyborg's mind. When he came to Steel City, Blood had already constructed a veritable army of Cyclones, who assisted him in attacking the Titans East Tower. They succeeded in capturing the newly-formed Titans East and exposing them to his mind control powers.

However, in order to safeguard his technology, Cyborg had several of his systems deliberately fitted with glitches, which had also unknowingly been assimilated into the Cyclones' make-up as well. Thus, Cyborg was able to outwit the Cyclones and guide his fellow Titans to Blood. Following Blood's defeat by Cyborg, the Cyclones were put out of commission.