Crimson Typhoon

Crimson Typhoon

universe Pacific Rim

Crimson Typhoon's powers and abilities

Thundercloud Formation - Crimson Typhoon's signature ability is its three arms, which allows it a great range of motion with its attacks. Its hands can also be reconfigured into buzzsaw-like weapons to rip and tear kaiju flesh.

Plasmacaster - In the mech's larger left arm is a plasmacaster, which gives Crimson Typhoon a ranged option. The weapon is most effective at close ranges, burning a hole into its targets.

Agility - Crimson Typhoon is built with several jets set into its back, which allows it to get brief bursts of speed as well as a short ranged jump.

Martial Arts Training - Crimson Typhoon's pilots are all well trained martial artists and street fighters. The connpod of Crimson Typhoon has been explicitly designed to be able to replicate the brothers's intricate movements as accurately as possible.

Enhanced Visuals - Crimson Typhoon's visual systems are designed to allow for telescopic focusing on targets.