Cranos The Bold

OC Cranos The Bold

Carlton Stiles

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Cranos The Bold's History

Carlton Stiles Wasn�??t your typical pre-teen, He was more of a loner who was bullied at school and was diagnosed with autism and bipolar disorder at a latent age. Stuck in the whirlwinds of life and stress, Carlton had a vast and vivid imagination. He loved action figures and lived Vicariously through their made-up stories and adventures. One Day while Carlton was sitting in his backyard admiring some ants, the presence of some kind of portal was being formed behind him.

Four hours earlier, Esmeridian Galos, The Most mystical and magical Ecosystem and world in all the multiverse. Approximately 14 Trillion instances from Earth-237, A great battle erupted, a fated war that lasts until the ruling class's sons all die a cruel and unusual death. A man Known as Cronos the conqueror Son of The God Man Athros would fall unto his sword amidst the battle against The Arkenstone. The Arkenstone is a Grim Reaper type entity who was purged from an existence of solitude after The Esmeridian War Games. During these games Athros was just a young leader with Three Sisters and a rival faction from the birth of Esmeridia Known as the Dontinaros Clan and their son Tethros Who with 7 brothers all newborns, was destined to be the new King of Esmeridia. The war game starting spanning the multiverse in a chariot race that was so fast tis but a breeze to even the strongest and wisest of entity�??s. Passing through the route Tethros was determined so he veered off course ahead of Athros who not as wealthy had a slightly slower chariot He called Mon, Tethros called his chariot Sen. Athros sees Tethros veer of course into dangerous territory and decides to stay the course despite tethros finding a shortcut.

Tethros started to slow and the breeze became a wind which became a great cold, In a realm inhabited by a species of light particulate beings known as Farseiths. These farseiths are so infinitely delicate that any temperature above their own could be catastrophic and lead to mutations. Tethros angry pushed forward and back on course now upset he had just given Athros the lead. Almost to the finish a darkness so vile and full of hatred surrounds them both and brings the race to a grinding halt what feels like hours even days to them in this nothingness is but a few seconds. Athros scared for his sisters and the fate of esmeridia with both kings trapped decides to call out to this void to gauge a response. In return he feels the sound inside every fiber of his being rather than hearing it aloud.

All at once it answers him, �??We cannot let you further change we will stay here with you until you become something other than yourselves�?�! Tethros is also hearing this and shouts, "OK! LET�??S MAKE A DEAL THEN! please! please spare my life�?�. �??I�?� I have 7 brothers and I---" �??7! the voice calls out �??You only have 7! I had 7 trillion 8 hundred thousand 9 hundred and seventy 8, Souls morph into what I am before you now screaming in pain becoming one thing after another after another losing grip with our serenity�?�. �??I will take your precious seven brothers and all brothers and sons of the Esmeridian Galos For the rest of eternity marked after each race when the day comes for you to choose a new king�?�!

Locked into this eternal one way offer the two are then released and, in the release, hurled forward and athros crosses the finish line first. When tethros returns he finds his brothers vanished! This is to be the story that would be told until the tides come and go over and again as they do. Years later Because Athros painstakingly decided to have two sons, the race began between two once more and thus the Story of the race of sen and mon. Or as it is instantly known to all beings the sun and the moon and the autumnal equinox. This was the beginning of time itself relative to all other forms of life in their own. On this event after a new king is chosen swarms of dark Farseiths claim waste to Esmeridian Galos until every son is dead. knowing this Athros locks his son Cranos into an enchanted box to shield him from his fate, a box given to him by none other than The Herald Above All during a fight between a longtime enemy of Esmeridia. Athros tells the herald of his age-old dilemma and decides to forge a box that can contain one soul unscathed from any and all power in the cosmos. But it can only be used once!

Athros, a father of two now must make the hardest choice and saves cranos his second born by putting his soul in the box. The battle ensues and Athros once again remains king of Esmeridia after eons. this box is then cast out into the omni verse. Athros sees his sons lay died in the midst of the palace entrance and sits back into his thrown filled with hatred for himself, anger disgust and immense sadness. Once again punished for an eternity by the dark Farseiths determined never to have a child ever, EVER again. And never allowed to see his Long Dream since he will forever remain King of Esmeridia.

Meanwhile back on earth trillions of years into the future due to the distance of space time but the same time relatively. The box finds its way into the yard of Carlton Stiles who hears a loud humming static and gets pushed forward by a swift wind at his back. 'WHOAH" he exclaims and turns around to see the box. He hesitates and then decides to investigate. As soon as he decides to approach it opens and he falls back to his hands and feet on his butt with eyes wide in awe. A light cascade over him and he flinches for a moment and is frozen in that moment. Hours in this time a whole world and universe is shown to him and the story of Athros and Tethros. The soul of Cranos then manifests its way forth and it envelopes him. Now a new Cranos was born to earth with a duty to protect peace and prosperity for all and can only be reborn if the current dies. This is how Carlton Stiles became Cranos the Bold!