

Holden Carver

Wildstorm Universe

Conductor's powers and abilities

Powers and abilities

Holden's superpowers are the result of an alien artifact merging with his nervous system. Whenever he experiences physical trauma, he feels no pain but instead stores the pain, which he can then direct via touch into someone else. Enough pain can kill a person with no physical trace, making Carver an ideal assassin for Tao's purposes. Holden has little control over his power and causes pain to anybody who touches him. Another downside was that he is also incapable of feeling anything else, though a combination of pain and pleasure during sex can make him feel pleasure.

The artifact makes his thoughts unreadable to all telepaths and protects him against most though not all mental attacks; the artifact also quickly repairs all physical damage done to his body.

Holden has a number of other minor abilities, he has a hard time becoming drunk due to the artifact filtering out alcohol�??s effects. The artifact also filters the physical results of stress and fear, making it so that Holden never gets shaky hands or slowed reflexes.