Commander Russia

Commander Russia

Alexian Ivan

Superhero Database Original Characters

Commander Russia's History

from a young age Alexian Ivan's parents noticed that he was mentally unstable: He was very anti social, he had no friends , he would spend most of his free time alone in a forest nearby. He would barely talk and if he was talking it was always to himself. Needles to say when Alexian's parents discoverd that he held a 5 year old boy captive and was abusing it they were shocked. It was the moment they realized that he was a psychopath. Minutes later the swat police raided they're home and escorted the boy to jail. In jail he would train his body to peak human and beyond. At one moment he was so incredibly strong that he could bend the bars of his jail cell and he made his escape. trying to search for a car to seal he drives of to a dessert, where he realizes he is in a militairy base. he than notices nazis attacking the base. He then proceeds to ram them with theyre car and break the other his skull in cold blood. this happens while the sergeant is looking, he gives him an offer: He could join the army to fight against the nazis, or he would be sent back to jail. Alexian joins the army, not because he wants to fights for his country but because he can leggaly kill people if he joins the militairy to jail.

One day when the nazis invade russia Alexian was sent to the war where he got shot into his head with a shotgun point blank he was immidialty rushed to the medics where

a proffesor told them how he had one cure that could save him but it wasnt ready yet and it could possibly have nasty side effects such as mentall unstabilty. But still his fellow soldiers insisted that he should use the cure on Alexian because Alexian saved they're lifes a couple days prior. After this all the bones of Alexian turned into straight tungsten (the strongest metal in the world). It also gave him increased strength, speed and made him unable to die of age or lack of food, it also made him sane again as he already was insane the side effect reversed, his mind also got more advanced which makes him immune to mind control and tellapty Later Alexian killed hitlers right hand and slowly climbed up to the rank commander where he would stay until the war was over he would then live a quit live in the mountains waiting until another war would break out.