Commander Cody

Commander Cody


universe Star Wars Universe

Commander Cody's powers and abilities

Because of his designated high rank and battlefield experience, clone commander Cody is more proficient and has undergone more vigorous combat training then that of a ordinary clone trooper.

Clone Trooper Physiology

The Kaminoans used bounty hunter Jango Fett as the genetic template for the fighting forces, employing growth acceleration techniques to develop a fully mobile army in the span of a decade, as a result Clone Troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic age faster then normal human beings. Each clone troopers identification number was coded into his DNA, allowing for specific individuals to be identified, if needed. Clone troopers were born and cultivated to be perfect conditioned warriors, they are all physically fit and perfectly healthy.


Clone troopers have been trained in the art of combat from a young age, by experienced bounty hunters hired by the Kaminoans.

Expert Marksman

Clone troopers are highly proficient marksmans, they can throw most projectile weaponry with great aim. They are also well-versed in the use of firearms.

Master Tactician and Strategist

Clone troopers are able to formulate battle strategies and their brilliant tactical sense allows them to alter any strategy to fit the changing need of the situation.

Expert Vehicular Operator

Clone troopers are highly proficient in driving walkers, speeder bikes, tanks, starships, etc.