Comic Book Movie/TV Tone Discussion!
Created by BlotskyA, 3 y 2 mo 19 d ago.
This is a Forum based on whether We Agree on whether Comic Books Movies and TV Shows should have a Light Tone or Dark Tone
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Jongensoden 3 y 2 mo 17 d
Comic Book Movie/TV Tone Discussion! #
It depends on the movie. That's why i like the dceu every movie feels a different tone. Wich depends on the charachter
DeanDinosaur6 3 y 2 mo 17 d
Comic Book Movie/TV Tone Discussion! #
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BlotskyA 3 y 2 mo 17 d
Comic Book Movie/TV Tone Discussion! #
I Think a Fun, more Comedic Tone would work, if it's done like in The Flash, where at times there are Jokes where it's Necessarily, and Not like the MCU Where it's Not Necessarily