Comet Man

Comet Man

Dr. Stephen Beckley

universe Prime Marvel Universe

Comet Man's powers and abilities

Powers/Abilities: Beckley has superhuman strength (Class 25). He can project sphere of concussive energy from his hands. He had telekinesis, which he uses to fly (at great speeds), or to levitate other objects or beings. He has superhuman durability, enabling him to survive the heat of atmospheric re-entry uninjured, and he can heal rapidly from bullet wounds. He can generate force fields around himself and others, and he can survive in the cold vacuum of outer space unaided.

He can teleport himself over great distances, even from the surface of the Earth into outer space. He does not have complete control over this ability. It is triggered subconsciously when he is in danger. He can use the ability consciously via a psi-amplifier device given to him by Reed Richards. He can teleport into the presence of another being by concentrating on that being, even if he does not know where that being is. Apparently he psionically scans the area into which he is teleporting to avoid materializing within a solid object.

Beckley's entire body has been re-created, and it is unclear whether he is subject to the effects of aging or conventional disease, or whether he still needs to eat or drink. He does not appear to need to breathe.

He can project a portion of his own subconscious into the mind of another human or into an animal. He can then read the memories of that being, experience any sensations that being does, and also influence the thoughts and emotions of that being, directing its behavior. He refers to this as "thought pitching." He also apparently has an increased capacity for feeling emotions.

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