Comet Man

Comet Man

Dr. Stephen Beckley

universe Prime Marvel Universe

Comet Man's History

First Appearance: Comet Man#1 (February, 1987)

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 190 lbs.

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Brown


Stephen Beckley is the son of United States Air Force Colonel Jack Beckley and his wife. Neither he nor his sister Rosemary, nor even his father, were aware that his mother had had a Jack's first child while Jack was serving in a military operation, and had given it up for adoption.

(Comet Man#1 (fb) - BTS) - Stephen became an astronomer and astrophysicist. He and his wife, Ann, had a son, Benny. Stephen and Ann were the creators and heads of the Edmond Project, a joint effort between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)) to investigate comets and related phenomena.

(Fantastic Four I#197 - BTS) - Stephen's knowledge of sunspot activity and the flaring of the Van Allen Belt was essential in Reed Richards' solo space flight to regain his lost powers.

(Comet Man#1) - As the culmination of the Project, Stephen piloted a ship, Spaceball Firewatch, to observe Halley's Comet at close range. However, Beckley was unable to compensate with the comet made an unexpected sudden right angle turn, and both he and his ship were utterly consumed in the energy tail of the comet. Seconds later, however, he was re-created by Max, the alien piloting the ship that had been thought to be the comet. As the module that reformed Beckely was calibrated to Fortisquian (Max's race) standards, he was granted superhuman powers in the process. Max offered to train Beckley in his new powers, but he declined, preferring to return home and reveal he was still alive.


Stephen revealed his existence to his old friend, David Hilbert, who was actually an agent of the Bridge and served the Superior. Under the Superior's direction, Hilbert convinced Beckley that his existence must remain a secret for reasons of national security until he had been thoroughly tested. After preliminary testing, Hilbert then drugged Stephen and brought him to the Bridge for advanced testing, as their prisoner.

(Comet Man#2) - Beckley broke free from his restraints and inadvertently slaughtered the Bridge troops when one of them shot him in the abdomen. Teleporting to safety, he managed to expel the bullet from his body while dreaming. He awoke in his father's fishing camp, where he learned of his thought pitching ability and used it to acquire a meal. After completely recovering, he returned home, only to find his apartment completely vacant.

(Comet Man#3) - Bridge agents paid off Beckley's former landlord to play their hostage so that they could re-capture him. However, en route to Bridge HQ, they ran into a fighting mad Hulk, who shattered their transport vehicle. After nearly being killed by the Hulk, Beckley managed to use his thought pitching ability to calm the Hulk and transform him back into Banner.

However, when the Mandroid tried to subdue Banner/Hulk, he reversed the transformation. After swatting the Mandroid, the Hulk teleported away. The public appearance drew the attention of Reed Richards (an old friend of Beckley).

(Comet Man#4) - Reed brought Beckley back to Four Freedoms Plaza where they tested his powers to help him gain control of his teleportational and psychic abilities in hopes of locating his wife and son. Using Reed's psi-amplifier, Beckley first consciously triggered his power, but he ended up in the shower with the She-Hulk, which didn't go over too well with the Jade Giantess. After the misunderstanding was cleared up, Beckley again tried the psi-amplifier, this time focusing on finding Ann. He was successful, but the result was not what he had anticipated. Ann had been killed in the process of trying to escape the Bridge, and Stephen teleported into her coffin with her rotting corpse.

(Comet Man#5) - Reed and the Thing located Beckley as he flew screaming through the air and then plunged to the ground. They connected Beckley with Nick Fury of SHIELD, who told him the truth about the Bridge and the Superior. He then used Reed's psi-amplifier to locate his son Ben, who had been nearly killed by the Superior's efforts to duplicated Stephen's powers in him. Beckley used his powers to save his son, completing the power duplication in the process.

(Comet Man#6) - Beckley confronted Hilbert, who had turned against the Superior, and who informed him of the Superior's plot try to capture Max and his Comet ship. Stephen teleported aboard Max's ship, planning to save Max from the Bridge agents, but instead he merely watched as Max slaughtered the agents. His plans foiled, the Superior detonated a nuclear weapon which had been planted aboard the Comet Ship, but Max and Beckley teleported away in time.

(Marvel Comics Presents I#50/2) - Stephen returned to Earth and contacted Reed Richards in hopes of learning the location of the Superior. Unable to find him, he instead headed to his sister's old house, where he was almost run over by his drunken ex-brother-in-law, Lou.

(Marvel Comics Presents I#51/2) - Beckley learned that his sister Rosemary had divorced Lou and taken up with a new man. Lou gave him the man's address in Connecticut, the estate of John Gallagher. Stephen arrived there and was reunited with Rosemary and his son, Benny. Gallagher easily recognized Stephen as the Comet Man, but Stephen, having never encountered the Superior in person, had no idea he was actually face to face with his enemy.

(Marvel Comics Presents I#52/2) - Stephen tried to use his thought pitching power to try to communicate with Benny, who had been in a relatively unresponsive state since being a victim of the Bridge's experimentation. His efforts were successful and he introduced Benny to Max, who revealed to him that Gallagher was the Superior. Stephen's powers protected him when Gallagher turned his gun on him, and he quickly overpowered the Superior and prepared to kill him.

(Marvel Comics Presents I#53/2) - Stephen stopped himself just short of killing the Superior, who then pulled his spare gun on Stephen and his family. Beckley then witnessed as Benny used his own powers to take his revenge, forcing Gallagher to turn his gun on himself and blow his head off.

(Captain Marvel V#7) - When Benny began using his powers again, Stephen sensed him again and returned to Earth. Stephen rushed to the Hollywood Bowl to greet Benny, who instead attacked him with his full power in an effort to destroy him. At the same time, Genis, aka Captain Marvel, had a vision of Benny using his powers to destroy all life on Earth. In an effort to prevent this, Marvel flew to Benny and attempted to kill him. Stephen fought to save his son, fighting Marvel in a battle that leveled half of the stadium. Marvel gained the upper hand against Stephen, but Rick Jones convinced Marv to let Benny live since he was just a child. Marv begrudgingly told Stephen to take Benny and get him out of there.

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