Combine Advisor

Combine Advisor


universe Half-Life

Combine Advisor's History

The Combine Advisors, also known as "Shu'ulathoi" by the Vortigaunts, are the masterminds behind the Combine occupation of Earth and the main antagonists of the entire Half-Life series. They are commonly speculated to be the master race of the Combine empire. They serve as the overarching antagonists in Half-Life 2 and the main antagonists of its subsequent episodes.

The Advisors are large, pale, super-intelligent grub-like creatures with no discernible facial features. The Advisors have a device similar to a gas mask attached to their front end. The Advisors also have a cybernetic eyepiece on the left-hand side of the faceplate.

Each Advisor wears a skin-tight olive-green bodysuit that covers all but the ends of their bodies, with a collar adorned with golden glyphs around their "necks." They also have a pair of thin black robotic arms implanted to their backs, capable of grabbing and lifting an adult human and moving the Advisor's weight. They also have an appendage that can protrude from their mouth like an elongated tongue, though it is more or less phallic in appearance. The appendage is used similarly to an invertebrate's proboscis and plunged into a weak point, such as the human neck shown from a scene in Half-Life 2: Episode Two.

Combine Advisors have a wide range of odd vocalizations, from robotic growls and groans to loud shouting noises and screeching. Besides their technological prowess, they also appear to possess incredible psychic and telekinetic powers. They can communicate with others telepathically as well.