

Cloud Strife

universe Final Fantasy VII

Cloud's powers and abilities

Accessed through the Green Materia, this allows the wielder to access the wisdom of the Ancients, the Cetra, and the connection they shared with the Planet to use its powers and manifest all sort of incredible powers. These can range from offensive manipulation of the elements, to support effects and even powerful healing abilities. While each Magic Materia normally allows the use of a specific set of spells (such as Lightning allowing to use Bolt, Bolt2 or Bolt 3; or Mystify granting Berserk and Confu, both mind affecting spells), there exists the Master Magic Materia, which grants the user every spell in existence with the exception of the one of a kind Holy and Meteor. Notable spells include: Offensive:

Fire3 (Firaga), Ice3 (Blizzaga), Bolt3 (Thundaga) and Quake3 (Quaga): Very high-level elemental magic that conjures their respective elements for a powerful attack to strike a single enemy or a wide area.

Bio3 (Bioga): The user cast large bubbles of venomous liquids that drown the enemy to inflict heavy damage and leave them poisoned.

Demi3 (Graviga): A powerful gravity well is created to drag and crush enemies within it. This spell cannot be reflected.

Comet2 (Cometeor): Calls forth several small meteors from outer space to strike the enemy four times. This spell cannot be reflected.

Death:A spell that conjures a Grim Reaper to instantly kill an opponent. This spell can affect robotic enemies and ghosts unless they explicitly resist instant death.

Tornado: A spell that creates a powerful twister on an opponent. May inflict confusion.

Freeze: A sudden cold surrounds an enemy and then they�??re instantly encased in ice, freezing its surrounding area as well. May inflict Stop.

Break: Rock is materialized around the opponent and proceeds to crush them, turning them into stone as well. May inflict Petrification.

Flare: The user causes a nuclear reaction by making the atoms of the target collide with each other, resulting in a powerful explosion of extreme heat to completely incinerate an opponent.

Ultima: The most powerful Black Magic Spell in the story after Meteor itself. A massive energy wave that strikes a wide area for non-elemental damage. The spell cannot be reflected.


Cure3 (Curaga):The user can restore a large amount of health to themselves or their whole party.

FullCure: An incredibly powerful healing spell that will restore to full health the user or one of their allies. Cannot be reflected.

Regen: An assist spell that allows the user to gradually recover health over time automatically. The speed of the regeneration may vary depending on the speed of the target's time, under the Haste status it's doubled, under Slow it's halved and under Stop the regeneration halts until time flows again.

Life2 (Arise): Healing magic that brings back a critically wounded ally from near death and restores them to full health.

Esuna: Powerful healing spell that cures all status ailments except for Doom, Slow and Stop.


Haste: This spell doubles the speed of the time of the user or their allies.

Wall: A powerful defensive magic that grants the effect of both Barrier and MBarrier at once, halving both physical and magical damage.

Reflect: Casts a magical barrier that reflects all non-physical attacks at the enemy, even those which aren't specifically magic unless they have barrier piercing properties. Will activate four times before wearing off.

Shield: An extremely powerful defensive magic that protects the user from all elemental damage they can access through Materia, as well as all physical damage from slashes, gunfire, stabbing and blunt force. However, the spell prevents the user from healing themselves outside regeneration and wears off after a while.

Resist: Another powerful defensive spell. The user locks their current state, preventing any status effect from affecting them, but also from having those already inflicted on them being healed. Temporary beneficial boosts can wear off under this condition.


Slow:This spell halves the speed of the opponent�??s time, cutting their overall speed altogether by half.

Stop:A spell that stops the time of an opponent, effectively freezing them and leaving them helpless.

Sleepel (Sleep):A spell that instantly puts an enemy to sleep.

Toad: A spell that turns enemies into helpless frogs, reducing their Physical Attack and leaving them unable to use any abilities outside normal attacks and items.

Mini:This spell reduces the size of the opponent and their physical power is lowered to the point they deal almost no damage.

Silence:Disables the use of the voice, preventing the use of any ability that requires sound, words or vocal commands, such as Magic, Summoning, Singing, Prayers, Speechcraft, etc.

Berserk: The enemy is induced into a state of rage where all they can do is relentlessly use physical violence, unable to use any special abilities. Their attack is increased by x1.5.

Confu (Confuse): A spell that interferes with the mind of the opponent, leaving it in a chaotic state, only able to attempt to fight by using abilities and doing actions at random without rhyme or reason.

DeBarrier: A spell that can disable most barriers and shields, even if they aren�??t magical in nature, so long as they aren�??t physical. Cannot be reflected.

DeSpell (Dispel): This spell can disable any magical or special modifications the enemy grants himself, even barriers like those disabled by DeBarrier, however modifications to statistics are unaffected unless they are a special state or status. Cannot be reflected and can work on both beneficial and detrimental modifications.


Escape: A spell to flee from battle. The caster teleports their allies and themselves away from danger.

Remove (Dezone): A powerful, recurring spell in the series that has been stated to send opponents into another dimension, until Final Fantasy V revealed said dimension is the Rift itself. A portal is opened, and the opponent is dragged away from the battlefield. Cannot be reflected.