
Chronicles Of Omnius (verse)

A Top10 collection created by WOD_Scaler

Collector WOD_Scaler
Type Top10
About The Chronicles of Omnius is a cosmology with an absolute infinite amount of possibilities, dimensions, characters, settings etc. This verse focuses on the perspectives of gods and them creating their own verses in The Chronicles of Omnius cosmology. Its complex hierarchy makes this verse extremely powerful. The beings in the verse range from Low 2-C to Beyond Irrelevant Layers Above Tiering System. A being known as “The Founder of Omnius” is the creator of this verse. It is also at the absolute pinnacle of the verse and its power reaches beyond irrelevant levels of scaling. Every Chronicles of Omnius character has their own skills in manipulation (such as logic manipulation, science manipulation, law manipulation, boundary manipulation, probability manipulation etc.)

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