

Chomp Link

Max Steel (2013-2017 series)

Chomp's powers and abilities

  • Linking Abilities: Like other Ultralinks, Chomp is able to bond with a host and enhance their capabilities, turning them into a weapon of mass destruction.

  • Superhuman Strength: Chomp is stronger than an average individual.

  • Superhuman Durability: Like other Ultralinks bonded with a link slave, Chomp is highly durable, being capable of withstanding multiple blows of Max's Turbo Speed Mode continuously.

  • Elasticity: Chomp's body is extremely elastic, mainly his arms.

  • Florakinesis: Due to the fact that Chomp is bonded with a Venus fly-trap, he is able to control certain elements of the earth environment, such as vines.

  • Plant Whip: Chomp is able to form an elastic whip through his hands.

  • Regeneration: Chomp is capable of regenerating his limbs in case they are lost in battle. If one of them is cut, he can still control it and make it a part of his body once again.

  • Giant Mouth: Chomp's mouth possesses multiple powers, such as:

  • Dome Creation: Chomp can create a dome made out of vines by releasing several brown seeds on the ground.

  • Goop Generation: He can release a green, sticky goop from his mouth that can poison and confuse the adversary during a small period of time. Such ability was only seen in Ultralinks Attack.

  • Toxic Bites: Chomp can inflict harm on his enemies by biting them with his toxic mouth.

Chomp's weaknesses

[*]Energy Core: Like all Ultralinks, Chomp's weak spot is located on the Ultralink on his forehead. It if hit by something or someone, Chomp will instantly faint.

[*]Vulnerability to Ultralink Hunter's Weapons: Since Chomp is an Ultralink, he is vulnerable to every weapon that the Ultralink Hunters can use to un-link them.



Intelligence80 IQ
Strength500 kg • 1,102 lb
Speed16 m/s

Super Powers

DurabilitySuper StrengthElasticityPlant ControlRegeneration