Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003)

Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003)

This summer the Angels are back.

Status Released
SHDb Rating 5.5 / 10
5 ratings
Universe Charlie's Angels - Charlie's Angels
Runtime 106 min.
Story The Angels are charged with finding a pair of missing rings that are encoded with the personal information of members of the Witness Protection Program. As informants are killed, the ladies target a rogue agent who might be responsible.
CastCameron Diaz as Natalie Cook, Drew Barrymore as Dylan Sanders, Lucy Liu as Alex Munday, Demi Moore as Madison Lee, Bernie Mac as Jimmy Bosley, Justin Theroux as Seamus O'Grady, Robert Patrick as Ray Carter

Characters in Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003)

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