Names of all superheroes and villains
Complete list of all superheroes and villains
Looking for a comprehensive list of superhero and villain names? Look no further! Gain knowledge over every character you'll ever encounter with this go-to guide.
From Batman to Venom, Wonder Woman to Thanos, the world of superheroes and villains is full of fascinating characters from comics, movies and TV shows. With this comprehensive list of superhero and villain names, you'll never be at a loss for an answer when asked about the most popular caped crusaders and crafty evildoers.
There are 52285 superheroes and villains in the database. Below you'll find them all in alphabetical order.
- DeathgripEarth-616
- DeathguiseFF IX
- DeathlokMichael PetersonMCU
- DeathlokMichael CollinsEarth-13178
- DeathlokLuther ManningEarth-616
- DeathlokLuther ManningEarth-1610
- DeathlokJason ToddEarth-9602
- DeathlokSteven RogersEarth-TRN193
- DeathlokMAU
- Deathlok (Earth-10511)Deathlok Prime
- DeathremDeathreUSU
- DeathSingerIngressus VoltarisMC
- DeathspawnDeathspawnEarth-2
- DeathstickStar Wars
- DeathstormMartin SteinEarth 3
- DeathstormGabriel GantEarth-616
- DeathstormArrowverse
- DeathstrikeYuriko OyamaEarth-1610
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonTitans
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonInjustice
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonDCEU
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonNew Earth
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonPrime Earth
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonArkhamverse
- DeathstrokeDavid IsherwoodRebirth
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonEarth 55
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonFutures End
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonMAWS
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonPre-Crisis
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonYoung Justice
- DeathstrokeSlade Joseph WilsonEarth-7642
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonEarth 96
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonSmallville
- DeathstrokeDCUO
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonEarth-1
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonRebirth
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonEarth 118
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonDCUAOM
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonArrowverse
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonFlashpoint
- DeathstrokeSlade WilsonFNLU
- Deathstroke (Darkness Within)Slade WilsonNew Earth
- Deathstroke (Godkiller)Slade WilsonPrime Earth
- Deathstroke (Godkillers)Slade WilsonRebirth
- Deathstroke (Ikon Suit)Slade WilsonRebirth
- Deathstroke (Mecha Suit)Slade WilsonDM
- Deathstroke (Nth armour)Slade WilsonPrime Earth
- Deathstroke (Speed Force)Slade WilsonNew Earth
- Deathstroke (The King of Super-Villains)Slade WilsonRebirth
- DeathtrapSeamus O'BriennNew Earth
- DeathurgeDeathurgeEarth-616
- DeathwatchEarth-616
- DeathwingNeltharionWarcraft
- DeathwingNew Earth
- DeathwishVictor Von DoomEarth-11638
- DebQ-Force
- DebonairLady DebonairMKR
- DebriiEarth-616
- DebriiDeborah FieldsEarth-616
- DecapreStreet Fighter
- DecayDecayNew Earth
- DecayGeorgia Dakei
- DeceiliaDeceilia StarshameNew Earth
- DeceptigodD-Void
- DecibelEarth-616
- DecidueyeRowletPokemon
- Declan5King
- DeclanVD
- DecreatorDecreatorNew Earth
- DecreatorNew Earth
- DecusTales
- DecusStar Ocean
- DeepaDīpaNaruto
- DeepsixMonsuno
- DeerGOH
- DeerdevilBatt BurdockEarth-8311
- DeezallBakugan
- DefacerShawn TsangNew Earth
- DefaltJB MarkowiczWatch Dogs
- DefenestratorNew Earth
- DefensorGabriel SepulvedaEarth-616
- DefensorDefensor
- DefileEarth-50
- DegenhardDegenhardFF XI
- DegusuDegusuDB
- Dehydra
- DeidaraNaruto
- DeikiDororo
- DeimosDeimosNew Earth
- DeimosPJO
- DeimosDeimosPrime Earth
- DeimosGoW
- DeinoDeinoPokemon
- DekerDeker
- DekofisZatchBell Universe
- DekofisZatchBell Universe
- DekuMidoriya IzukuMHA
- DekuSamurai Shodown
- DekuIzuku MidoriyaJumpForce
- Deku (One For All 100%)Midoriya IzukuMHA
- DekuinaSamurai Shodown
- Delaney5King
- DelicoGangsta
- DelilahDelilahMCU
- DelilahGuilty Gear
- DelilahEarth-616
- DelilahVHDM
- DeliriumSandman
- DellingPJO
- DellingerDellingerOP
- DeloresBeetlejuice
- Delphae
- Delphi (Pantheon)DelphiEarth-616
- DelphineTES
- DelphosEarth-616
- DelphoxFennekinPokemon
- DeltaTeis
- DeltaNaruto
- Deluge
- Deluge (delilah)New Earth
- DemagoblinFrances BarrisonEarth-616
- DembeDembe ZumaThe Blacklist
- DemdemehDemdemehWOD
- DemenciaVillainous
- DementationDementationWOD
- DementerDementerNasuverse
- DementiaEarth-616
- DementiaABF
- DementorNew Earth
- DementorWizarding World
- DementusMad Max
- DemerzelDemerzelFoundation
- DemeterHades
- Demeter
- DemeterGreekMyth
- DemeterBOZ
- DemeterPJO
- DemeterDemeterPrime Earth
- DemeterDanMachi
- DemetriTwilight
- DemetriCobra Kai
- DemiDemiPhantasy Star
- DemifiendThe Demi-FiendSMT
- DemigraDemigraXenoverse
- Demigra (Demon God)DemigraXenoverse
- Demigra (Makyouka Form)DemigraXenoverse
- DemiseZelda
- DemiseMonsuno
- DemitriusCharmed
- DemiurgeWilliam "Billy" Kaplan, WiccanEarth-616
- DemiurgeWOD
- DemiurgeDemiurgeEarth-616
- DemiurgeDemiurgeSMT
- Demiurge11eyes
- DemiurgeOverlord
- DemobatStranger Things
- DemodogStranger Things
- DemogoblinEarth-616
- Demogorge (The God Eater)AtumEarth-616
- DemogorgonDnD
- DemogorgunnEarth-7
- DemolisherDying Light
- DemolitiaMarita ChavezNew Earth
- DemoltZatchBell Universe
- DemomanTavish Finnegan DeGrootTF2
- DemonNew Earth
- DemonaGargoyles
- Demonatrix
- DemongoSamurai Jack
- DemongoFF
- DemoniqueMonika BachmanLondon Night
- DemonslayerJaclyn Hayes
- DemonstaffHallan GorkoEarth-616
- DendarDendarDnD
- DendeDendeDB
- DendeDendeXenoverse
- Dende (Mini)DendeDB
- DeneveClaymore
- DengarStar Wars
- DenjiroOP
- DennisVD
- DennyDennyTWD
- DenshinZatchBell Universe
- DenverDaniel RamosLa Casa de Papel
- DeoxysDeoxysPokemon
- DercoriDB
- DerekVD
- DerekDerekTWD
- DerekThe Good Place
- DeridovelyDeath Note
- DerieriDerieriSDS
- DerinoeNew Earth
- DerrownStar Wars
- DesaadDesaadDCAU
- DesaadDesaadDCEU
- DesaadSmallville
- DesaadNew Earth
- DesaadPrime Earth
- DesaadRebirth
- DesaadYoung Justice
- DesaadDesaadDCUAOM
- DeSaadEarth 55
- Desak (Destroyer)Desak SterixianEarth-3515
- DesdemonaDesdemona SyngeEarth-928
- DesdemonaBuffy
- DeseeusTWfC
- Desghidorah (Rebirth of Mothra)GhidorahToho
- DesireEarth-616
- DesireSandman
- DesiryeeWinx Club Universe
- Despair
- DesperoDesperoDCAU
- DesperoDesperoNew Earth
- DesperoDesperoRebirth
- DesperoDesperoPrime Earth
- DesperoDesperoArrowverse
- DesperoYoung Justice
- DespotIsaiah King
- DespotellisNew Earth
- Dessy
- DestinySTTW
- DestinySandman
- DestinyIrene AdlerEarth-616
- DestoroyahDestoroyahIDWGZ
- Destoroyah (Heisei)DestoroyahToho
- DestraSummer SwanEarth-50
- DestroJames McCullen XXIVG.I. Joe
- DestroLaird James McCullen XXIVG.I Joe Film
- DestroyerEarth-616
- DestroyerKevin Keen Marlow
- DestroyerEarth-8096
- DestroyerMCU
- DestroyerKeene "Keen" MarloweEarth-92131
- DestroyerGannon RoarkDoom2005
- Destroyer (1602 What if...?)MCU
- Destroyer (Herald of Galactus)Earth-616
- Destroyer (Possessed by Lorelei)LoreleiEarth-616
- Destroyer (Possessed by Thor)Thor OdinsonEarth-616
- Destroyer (Worthy)Earth-616
- DestructionSandman
- DestructorKerwin KormanEarth-616
- DetonatorNew Earth
- DetonatorCoopersmithNew Earth
- DeucalionDeucalionTeen Wolf
- DeucalionDeucalionGreekMyth
- DeumionFF II
- Deus (Leader of the Seven Deities)DeusAsura's Wrath
- DeuteronomyDeuteronomy
- DevDevinder CrousleyRedfall
- DevackYu-Gi-Oh!
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