Names of all superheroes and villains
Complete list of all superheroes and villains
Looking for a comprehensive list of superhero and villain names? Look no further! Gain knowledge over every character you'll ever encounter with this go-to guide.
From Batman to Venom, Wonder Woman to Thanos, the world of superheroes and villains is full of fascinating characters from comics, movies and TV shows. With this comprehensive list of superhero and villain names, you'll never be at a loss for an answer when asked about the most popular caped crusaders and crafty evildoers.
There are 52285 superheroes and villains in the database. Below you'll find them all in alphabetical order.
- ApollonirBakugan
- ApollyonBakugan
- ApophisGOE
- ApophisApophisSG
- Apophis
- ApophisEgyptian Mythology
- AporiaYu-Gi-Oh!
- ApostateAilourosEarth-616
- ApostateBezalielSotM
- ApostisJames Bond
- AppaAppaAvatar 2024
- AppaAvatar
- AppalaUnrevealedEarth-616
- ApparitionCecilia SunbeamNew Earth
- AppleToG
- ApplejackMLP
- Applejack (Elements of Harmony)ApplejackMLP
- Applejack (Mean Clone)MLP
- AppletunApplinPokemon
- ApplinApplinPokemon
- AprilEMCU
- AprilEarth-982
- AprilBuffy
- AprosNew Earth
- ApsaraR+V
- AquaKingdom Hearts
- AquaTales
- AquaYu-Gi-Oh!
- AquaAquaKonoSuba
- AquababyArthur Curry, Jr.New Earth
- AquaboyTT
- AquadogSaltyNew Earth
- AquaduckEarth-C-Minus
- AquagirlJacqui HydeEarth-11
- AquagirlLorena MarquezEarth-16
- AquagirlTulaNew Earth
- AquagirlLisa MorelEarth-1
- AquagirlTulaYoung Justice
- AqualadGarthTeen Titans
- AqualadGarthEarth 96
- AqualadJackson HydeRebirth
- AqualadGarthNew Earth
- AqualadJackson HydeNew Earth
- AqualadGarthTitans
- AqualadGarthTT
- AqualadKaldur'ahmYoung Justice
- AqualadKaldur'ahmEarth-16
- AquamanArthur CurryDCAU
- AquamanOrinSmallville
- AquamanJackson HydeFuture State
- AquamanArthur CurryNew Earth
- AquamanArthur CurryPrime Earth
- AquamanDCUO
- AquamanRamon RaymondEarth-6
- AquamanEarth-D
- AquamanArthur CurryYoung Justice
- AquamanArthur CurryEarth 55
- AquamanArthur CurryInjustice
- AquamanFNLU
- AquamanArthur CurryRebirth
- AquamanOrinPre-Crisis
- AquamanArthur CurryEarth-42
- AquamanArthur CurryTomorrowverse
- AquamanAuthor CurryEarth 63
- AquamanArthur CurryDCUAOM
- AquamanArthur CurryFamily Guy
- AquamanOne Million
- AquamanArthur CurryTT
- AquamanDM
- AquamanGarthEarth-16
- AquamanOrinFlashpoint
- AquamanArthur CurryDCEU
- Aquaman (Andromeda)Arthur CurryNew Earth
- Aquaman (Dweller In The Depths)Arthur CurryNew Earth
- Aquaman (Fisherman)Future State
- Aquaman (Future Cyborg)Arthur CurryNew Earth
- Aquaman (Trident of Poseidon)Arthur CurryPrime Earth
- Aquaman (Waterbearer)OrinNew Earth
- Aquaman (Waterwraith)Arthur CurryNew Earth
- AquamariaMaria MolinaEarth 93
- AquanyxEarth 27
- AquarianWundarrEarth-616
- AquariusAquariusFairy Tail
- AquarusLethanInvincible
- AquarusAmazon Invincible
- AquawomanAndrina CurryFuture State
- AquawomanMarellaEarth-2
- AquawomanMeraBombshells
- AquawomanLorena MarquezTitans Tomorrow
- AquawomanDM
- AquawomanAnna CurryEarth-11
- AqueductPeter Van ZanteEarth-616
- Aquiessence
- AquilamonHawkmonDigimon
- ArachnabladeMonsuno
- ArachneJulia CarpenterEarth-616
- ArachneSmite
- ArachneHero Wars Verse
- ArachnePJO
- ArachneVD
- ArachnidSW
- ArachninaCBU
- ArachnioteEarth-616
- ArachnoidZoltan AmadeusEarth-8107
- ArachnophiliaNell RugglesEarth-31916
- Arachnus
- AradneaEarth-616
- AragakiMegalo Box
- AragogAragogWizarding World
- AragornAragorn II ElessarJ.R.RTN
- AragornEarth-TRN885
- AragornAragorn II ElessarEä
- AragornAragornEarth-8107
- AragornEarth-616
- ArajiHero Wars Verse
- ArakDB
- Arak (Manga)DB
- ArakiEarth-616
- ArakkoArakkoEarth-616
- AraleNorimaki Arale
- AralorTES
- AraluneRebecca RyanEarth-616
- AramakiDaisuke AramakiGITS
- AramisCharmed
- AramisTM2011M
- AranautBakugan
- AraquanidDewpiderPokemon
- AraquelAraquelVertigo
- ArashiyamaKurozuka
- ArathabStar Wars
- ArawnIM
- ArbaArbaMagi
- ArboSkylanders
- ArbokEkansPokemon
- ArbolivaSmolivPokemon
- ArborChowder
- ArbormonArbormonDigimon
- ArcadeEarth-616
- ArcadeEarth-1226
- ArcadeEdward AcraEarth-13178
- ArcadiaArcadia DeVilleEarth-616
- ArcadiaArcadiaWinx Club Universe
- ArcadiosFairy Tail
- ArcadiusVD
- ArcanaMGNF
- ArcanineGrowlithePokemon
- ArcanisArcanisNew Earth
- ArcanisArcanisNew Earth
- ArcannArcannSWL
- ArcannaArcanna JonesEarth-616
- ArcannaArcanna JonesEarth-31916
- ArcanonAB
- ArceeArceeTFP
- ArceeArceeEnergon
- ArceeArceeTransformers
- ArceeTWfC
- ArceeArceeTCU
- ArceeT:G1
- ArceeArceeHCU
- ArceusArceusPokemon
- Arceus (True Form)Pokemon
- ArchaeopteryxTonajaEarth-616
- ArchaeusBuffy
- ArchaludonDuraludonPokemon
- ArchangelWarren Kenneth Worthington III Earth-616
- ArchangelWarren Kenneth Worthington IIIMCOC
- ArchangelDiablo
- ArchangelWarren Kenneth Worthington IIIEMCU
- ArchangelWarren Worthington IIIEarth-8096
- ArchangelEarth-92131
- Archangel (Clone)Warren Kenneth Worthington IIIEarth-616
- Archangel (Merged with Cured Angel)Warren Kenneth Worthington IIIEarth-616
- ArchaonArchaonWF
- Archelus (EDF5)EDF
- ArchenemyEarth-616
- ArcherSuper OrionNasuverse
- ArcherArjunaNasuverse
- ArcherIshtarNasuverse
- ArcherOda NobukatsuNasuverse
- ArcherFenton QuigleyB66TV
- Archer (Class Card)Shirou EmiyaNasuverse
- ArchiePokemon
- ArchimondeWarcraft
- ArchivusEarth-616
- ArclightPhilippa SontagEarth-616
- ArclightPhilippa SontagEMCU
- ArclightAqib KhanNew Earth
- ArctibaxFrigibaxPokemon
- ArctiguanaPolar ManzardillBen 10
- ArctovishPokemon
- ArctozoltPokemon
- ArcturusArcturusNinjago
- ArdhaSMT
- ArdinaArdinaEarth-616
- ArdunGOH
- AredhelJ.R.RTN
- ArellaAngela RothPrime Earth
- ArellaAngela RothNew Earth
- AresAresDCEU
- AresSaint Seiya
- AresEarth-TRN619
- AresIFR
- AresAresPrime Earth
- AresEarth-13178
- AresEarth-10208
- AresMaxwell LordEarth-1
- AresWotT
- AresHades
- AresX:WPTS
- AresAresEarth-TRN814
- AresSMT
- AresSmite
- AresGreekMyth
- AresEarth-616
- Ares
- AresBOZ
- AresImmortals
- AresNext Gen
- AresMAU
- AresEarth-61112
- AresAresNasuverse
- AresAresNew Earth
- AresAresDCAU
- AresAresPJO
- AresAresInjustice
- AresGoW
- AresRecord Of Ragnarok
- AresJWU
- AresAresRebirth
- Ares (Disney)PJO
- Ares (Godwave Energy)AresNew Earth
- Ares (True Form)AresNew Earth
- AresiaNew Earth
- AresiaDCAU
- ArfoireThe Deity Of SinNeptunia
- ArgentSamantha DestineEarth-616
- ArgentNever-Cries
- Argent
- ArgentAntoniaNew Earth
- ArgentTeen Titans
- ArgitArgitBen 10
- ArgoMegas XLR
- ArgonJ.R.RTN
- ArgosFélix FathomMiracuverse
- ArgosaxArgosax The ChaosDMC
- ArgusArgusMK
- ArgusML
- ArgusNicholas KovakEarth-16
- AriArianrhod MacLlanllwyrEarth-616
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