Carol Marcus

Carol Marcus

Carol Marcus

Star Trek (Kelvin Timeline)

Carol Marcus's History

Doctor Carol Marcus was a Starfleet science officer who served aboard the USS Enterprise from 2259 to the early 2260s. She had a doctorate in applied physics, specializing in advanced weaponry.

When Captain James T. Kirk set off for Qo'noS to find the traitor, John Harrison, Marcus boarded the shuttle under the alias, Carol Wallace by using her mother's maiden name and claiming that Admiral Marcus assigned her to the Enterprise. Spock deemed her credentials impressive, but decided that she was redundant as he was reinstated as first officer of the USS Enterprise while Kirk welcomed her aboard.

Spock confronted Carol about her name not being in the ship's records, but before she could explain herself to him, the ship's warp core malfunctioned. Spock revealed her true identity to Kirk. Carol apologized to Kirk for the deception after Harrison was arrested, explaining that she used her mother's maiden name to board the ship and examine a series of seventy-two experimental, advanced long-range torpedos aboard the vessel because she discovered that they disappeared from all official records after her father withheld the information on them from her. Her father gave the photon torpedoes to Kirk to fire on Harrison.

Marcus went with Leonard McCoy to examine one of the torpedoes on a deserted planetoid after Harrison suggested to Kirk that he should open one. McCoy accidentally activated the torpedo and trapped his hand, but despite Kirk ordering that she should be beamed up, Carol managed to deactivate the torpedo before the emergency beam-up became necessary. Opening the dormant torpedo up, she and McCoy discovered a cryogenically frozen man inside.

When questioned, Harrison revealed that he was Khan Noonien Singh. He was revived to help prepare for war with the Klingon Empire and he planned to smuggle his fellow Augments in the torpedoes before he was caught. Admiral Alexander Marcus arrived in the USS Vengeance, a warship designed by Khan and began firing on the Enterprise. Carol Marcus revealed her presence to him in an effort to persuade her father to cease the attack, but Alexander simply beamed her over and carried on. When she was taken to the bridge, Carol smacked her father by telling him that she was ashamed to be his daughter, but he ignored her, believing that the cover-up was necessary.

Scotty deactivated the Vengeance's weaponry, giving Kirk and Khan time to fly to the ship and commandeer it. When they arrived on the bridge, Scotty stun shot Khan while Kirk admonished the Admiral for compromising Starfleet. Kirk ordered the Admiral out of his command chair, citing that while he could force him out, he preferred not to do it in front of Carol. However, one stun shot was ineffective to keep Khan down and he promptly beat Scott and Kirk. He turned to Admiral Marcus who tried to flee into a turbolift. Carol tried to stop and reason with him, but he responded by breaking her leg. Then, he grabbed her father and crushed his skull before her very eyes and she responded by screaming in horror.

Along with Kirk and Scott, Carol was beamed by Khan into the Enterprise's brig. Kirk brought her to the sickbay for McCoy to patch her up. Khan resumed bombarding the Enterprise and the damage caused the ship to fall to Earth. Kirk went into the warp core and reactivated the engines, preventing the Enterprise from crashing, but at the cost of poisoning himself. Marcus mourned Kirk in the sickbay alongside McCoy, Scott and the other Enterprise personnel. However, McCoy realized that Khan's blood could be used to heal him. He and Marcus placed Kirk in one of the Augments' cryotubes to put him in suspended animation. Spock and Uhura beamed down to apprehend Khan after he crashed the Vengeance into San Francisco and the blood transfusion proved to be successful.

Carol attended a memorial service for those killed by Khan and her father, close to a year later. She continued serving on the Enterprise's bridge as science officer when it embarked on it's first five-year mission.