Carnage (Klyntar Symbiote)

Carnage (Klyntar Symbiote)


Prime Marvel Universe

Carnage's powers and abilities

The symbiote covers its host in red and black biomass and grants them superhuman strength, reflexes, and agility. It also grants its wielder the ability to stick to walls, create web like substance, tendrils, and to create bladed and blunt weapons from its own biomass. It also grants limited shape shifting, demonstrated by its previously mentioned abilities and the ability to mimic any form of clothing. As it is bonded to Cletus Kasady's bloodstream, it is almost impossible to forcibly separate them and it can regenerate even if seemingly destroyed.

The original human host of Venom's spawn was the sociopathic serial killer named Cletus Kasady. Kasady's insatiable bloodlust bestowed the symbiote with power surpassing those of its progenitor, making Kasady much stronger than Venom and Spider-Man combined. Over the years the Carnage symbiote has underwent a host of mutations and alterations which have served to increase both it and its host's powers.

Superhuman Strength: Cletus Kasady was an individual of slightly above average conditioning. After bonding with his symbiote, he acquired physical strength exceeding that of Spider-Man and Venom combined, letting him easily lift in excess of 80 tons. Additions to the symbiote's biomass make both the Carnage symbiote and its host infinitely stronger as it grows in size and gains in bulk. It can also be strengthened by feeding off the negative emotions of others around it, causing it to grow larger and exponentially stronger.

Superhuman Durability: The Carnage symbiote's biomass can withstand high caliber bullets, great impact forces, explosions, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining significant physical injury.

Superhuman Stamina: The Carnage symbiote augments its host's musculature and stamina well beyond peak human capacity, enabling Cletus to survive - albeit comatose - in the vacuum of space after his battle with the Sentry. It is able to survive in oxygen-less areas for long periods of time such as underwater or in toxic gases, the symbiote filtering breathable air to the host.

Regenerative Healing Factor: The Carnage symbiote possesses regenerative capabilities that enable it to fully regenerate from a few cells. It is capable of rapidly healing its host from would-be fatal injuries as severe as being torn in half, being decapitated, and healing the neurological injuries sustained by both the Wizard and Cletus Kasady after bonding to them for only a short period of time. It was also able to fix Osborn's deformities caused by excessive plastic surgery, restoring his original visage.

Genetic Memory: All symbiotes possesses the genetic memories of their ancestors, a rudimentary replica of the Klyntar hive-mind. For instance, the Carnage symbiote possesses genetic memories of Galactus destroying a symbiote-conquered world, and of the symbiote invasion of the Microverse.

Wall-Crawling: Like its forbearer, Kasady's alien costume also replicates Spider-Man�??s ability to cling to walls by controlling the flux of inter-atomic attraction between molecular boundary layers.

Telepathy: Carnage, like all symbiotes, has vast yet undisclosed psychic abilities it has yet to fully grasp. A unique property Carnage uses of it, is the ability to download the insanity and evil of both its host and the symbiote into another sapient mind through use of its tendrils. It can also force Cletus Kasady's memories onto its hosts in order to torture and corrupt them.

Technological Symbiosis: Due to its biomass being used in the creation of Tanis Nieves' prosthetic limb and the Iron Ranger suits, the Carnage symbiote was able to seize control of them, temporarily assimilating the latter to become "Mass Carnage". It was also able to reach into and upload its insanity into Tony Stark's Iron Man armor when the latter tried to hack the Hall Industries biotech.

Webbing: The symbiote can project a powerful, organic web-like substance similar to Spider-Man and Venom have. Typically using this viscous substance to swing from building to building or as a means of immobilizing someone. The webbing is exceptionally strong, much more than even the finest human athlete can break.

Fangs & Claws: While bonded to a host, the symbiote frequently manifests fanged jaws and razor-sharp claws on its fingers and occasionally toes; which can be used as weapons in combat.

Constituent-Matter Generation: The Carnage symbiote is capable of forming tendrils and tentacles of its amorphous red-and-black biomass, using this to strangle or impale opponents. The symbiote can also convert ingested organic materials such as flesh and blood into additional biomass.

Constituent-Matter Manipulation: The Carnage symbiote possesses the ability to shapeshift its biomass into various shapes and forms. This is most-commonly utilized to create bladed armaments such as swords, spikes, bludgeons, knives, claws and axes; though the symbiote once morphed its host's arms into a pair of bat-like wings. The symbiote can also discharge its biomass as projectiles, though these projectiles only last for approximately 30 seconds before crumbling into dust.

360-Degree Senses: While lacking a spider-sense, the Carnage symbiote possesses a form of full-body receptory system, in that each individual cell is capable of acting as an eye, ear, mouth, nose, or tastebud.

ESP Immunity: The Carnage symbiote is able to bypass Spider-Man's Spider-Sense, and can also suppress its presence to evade Venom's ability to detect its offspring and strike at him without triggering alarm.

Camouflage Capabilities: The symbiote is capable of mimicking the appearance of any form of clothing, camouflaging with its surroundings, and even mimicking other people. Kasady's clothing is largely red due to the symbiote's biomass coloration.

Digital Immersion: Carnage once figured out how to spread his symbiotic biomass into the Internet by splicing his molecules through Ethernet cables to travel between hard-wired computers systems.

Symbiotic Expansion and Psychic Control: Following being experimented on by Hall Industries, the symbiote developed the ability to create duplicates of itself that could be controlled by its main body. The symbiote's excess biomass can be remotely piloted through large communities or vast expanses to take control over countless individuals with but a gesture. This power was initially lost after the Superior Spider-Man had the creature chemically neutered; but the symbiote regained an altered version of this lost facility via exposure to The Darkhold - though this required an altar to Chthon to work properly. After bonding to Norman Osborn, the Carnage symbiote regained this ability in full, transferring part of its biomass to Normie Osborn to turn him into the Goblin Childe.

Klyntar Assimilation: A trait shared with other symbiotes, the Carnage symbiote is capable of assimilating others into its own constituent mass in order to vastly increase its size and strength; and seemingly used this ability to restore itself after the majority of its biomass was devoured by Venom.

Vampirism: The Carnage symbiote is rarely depicted with vampiric abilities resembling those of its Ultimate counterpart. Its very touch is said to be caustic to others, making prolonged contact fatal to any unlucky recipient within the symbiote's grasp.

Stretching and deforming: Even while bonded to a host, the Carnage symbiote can grow and expand to any size as long as it has the additional bodily mass to supplement its growth. The symbiote is also able to get inside of small areas such as electric wires and the insides of cars to completely disable them.

Parasitic Inheritance: The symbiote can copy the powers and abilities of other beings by interfacing with their genetic code. The symbiote is capable of recalling that information from previous hosts and imprinting it upon it's current wearer, granting them a host of copy and assimilated powers.

Empathic Empowerment: The Carnage symbiote can take any form of negative emotions around it and turn it into a fuel source both for the purpose of sustenance and a power boost. The Carnage symbiote's unusual power compared to other symbiotes has been attributed to it feeding off and amplifying Cletus Kasady's insatiable nihilistic bloodlust.

Carnage's weaknesses

Like most other Symbiotes, it is vulnerable to sound and fire. However Carnage doesn't mind heat as long as it's the one making it. After being exposed to the eldritch power of the Darkhold, the symbiote has lost its vulnerability to sonics, though it is still vulnerable to heat and has gained a vulnerability to Chthonic magic. After being dosed with the Goblin Formula, the Carnage symbiote has lost its weakness to heat as well, though it remains vulnerable to Anti-Venom's caustic touch.