Captain America

Captain America

Steve Rogers

Prime Marvel Universe

Captain America's powers and abilities


Super-Soldier Serum The Super-Soldier Serum (SSS) metabolized and permanently enhanced all of Rogers' bodily functions to the peak of human efficiency, and is the most perfect human in existence. Dr. Abraham Erskine has stated Rogers' enhanced condition is "second to none," and described its potential as being "the next step in human evolution," while still remaining completely human, but often called the "perfect man." Nick Fury's intel classified him as Power Level 8.

  • Artificially Enhanced Physiology Rogers' enhanced physiology has no superhuman powers, although as a result of the Super-Soldier Serum, he was transformed from a frail young man into a "perfect" specimen of human development and conditioning. He is classified as enhanced human. He possesses powers superior to any Olympic-level athlete that has ever competed. Also, the Super-Soldier Serum physiology is definite, meaning that if Rogers choose to live an unhealthy lifestyle, none of his powers would weaken, and the Super-Soldier Serum in his bloodstream will keep him in top physical form. Dr. Keith Kincaid theorized that as long as some of the serum remains in Rogers' body, it would be able to reproduce itself and sustain Rogers' powers.

  • Peak Human Strength Rogers' physical strength is enhanced to the very peak of human potential, making him consistently able to sustain lifts 800 lbs (363 kg).

  • Peak Human Speed Rogers can move at speeds equal to that of the absolute finest human athlete, being capable of running at a sustained 30 mph (48 kph); He was able to complete a 40-yard dash in 3.82 seconds, or a mile "in just over a minute."

  • Peak Human Durability Rogers' durability is amplified to the highest human potential making him very durable. This has allowed him to survive many forms of extensive punishment throughout his career that would injure an ordinary man

  • Peak Human Agility Rogers' agility is amplified to the highest human potential.

  • Peak Human Reflexes Rogers' reflexes are amplified to the highest human potential, and he is said to have a reaction time ten times faster than a normal person. He has been shown to dodge gunfire from multiple shooters simultaneously.

  • Peak Human Stamina Rogers' body automatically eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing chemicals in his muscles; giving him exceptional endurance. He could also resist the freezing cold waters of the Arctic, as not only did he survive being frozen for decades, he also spent time searching for D-Man.

  • Peak Healing Ability Rogers' healing speed and efficiency is enhanced peak ability, meaning he heals faster than the average person. The white blood cells and Super-Soldier Serum in his body are efficient enough to fight off most microbe, foreign body, and other pathogens from his body, giving him a high immunity to all infections and diseases. Rogers has stated his metabolism is too fast for alcohol. He is also more resistant to knockout and hypnotic suggestion, though is not immune.

  • Peak Human Mental Processing Rogers' mental performance is greatly enhanced allowing it to operate in the most advanced and rapid manner possible. His mind also processes information quickly, giving him an accelerated learning aptitude; for example, Beast once stated that Rogers can learn and master any weapon within seconds. He possesses an eidetic/photographic memory and perfect recall, meaning he never forgets what he sees and experiences, paired with the ability to speed read, and can thereby intuitively understand what's likely going to happen and how best to deal with it. This enables him to remember any military tactic and apply it to any situation.

  • Peak Human Senses Rogers' senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch are enhanced to the highest limits of human potential.

  • Advanced Longevity The Super-Soldier Serum halts Rogers' aging due to perfect cells. This was tested when he spent many decades in Earth-69901 and its numerous divergent realities while fighting against Korvac's galactic empire, repeatedly dying and having time rewound, before ultimately being returned to his own time, as well as spending twelve years in Dimension Z, before being returned to Earth the same day with no noticeable signs of aging.


Master Tactician and Strategist Rogers is a master accomplished strategist. He has been widely known as one of the greatest tacticians on the planet, both on and off the battlefield. He is able to formulate battle strategies and his brilliant tactical sense allows him to alter any strategy to fit the changing need of the situation. Thor has acknowledged Rogers' tactical prowess and stated that he would follow him "through the gates of Hades." His tactical plan to rescue Namor from the Kree with the Invaders succeeded despite the Supreme Intelligence's mission. He also led the Galactic Council's fleets when they were defeated by the Builders, and planned a retaliation against the Builders, which resulted in the successful liberation of the Avengers.

Master Martial Artist Rogers is a master of hand-to-hand combat, being extremely skilled in numerous martial arts through his training in the military and direction under various private instructors. Additionally, he received training from William Fairbairn and Rex Applegate in close-quarters combat during WWII. Rogers has stated that he is adept at every form of hand-to-hand combat known to man. He utilizes boxing, Judo, Defendu, kickboxing, Jujutsu, Tōde, Aikido, Karate, and various other forms of unarmed combat disciplines, with his gymnastics ability creating a style that suits his strengths and enables him to use his knowledge to the best of his ability. When fighting, Rogers has the ability to use pressure points to subdue his opponents, as was done to Dr.Malus, Professor Hulk, or werewolf Falcon. He is one of the finest martial artists, and ultimate human combatant on Earth, which allows him to occasionally defeat foes who are masters of multiple forms or all forms of combat, such as Taskmaster, Wolverine, Iron Fist, Deadpool, or Red Skull. He also defeated a large group of Super-Soldiers while depowered and then defeated many more when his powers were restored, as well as overpowered a boxer augmented by Power Broker, Inc. using nothing but his boxing skills. Rogers trained Iron Man, Spider-Man, Hawkeye, Falcon, Wonder Man, etc in hand-to-hand combat.

Master Shield Fighter Rogers' years of training and experience with his unique shield, as well as its physical properties, allowing him to accomplish amazing feats with the item. Aside from bashing foes and blocking incoming attacks, he is able to throw it with nearly perfect aim, being able to estimate its hit and rebound down to millimeter. Rogers can hit multiple targets with the same throw by means of ricochet, and could even achieve a boomerang-like return effect, allowing him to strike enemies from behind or retrieve the shield without objects to ricochet from.

Advanced Military Operator Master Acrobat Rogers' years of extensive training and vast experience have made him a highly skilled acrobat, gymnast, and aerialist. He often utilizes these talents in combat for both evasive and offensive purposes.

Indomitable Will Rogers is a very strong-willed person. He is able to overcome all forms of temptation, mind control, and resist the effects of extreme pain, drugs, and toxins to a great extent. Rogers accepts his own mortality, and refuses to rob any sapient being of their freedom. During the Destiny War, he destroyed the Forever Crystal, deciding it was too dangerous to exist, despite the many benefits of its power. Rogers is also capable of resisting many forms of mind control; like the powers of the Purple Man, the maddening effects of the Madbomb, and the Red Skull's use of the telepathic brain of Charles Xavier, but fought constantly to maintain his true senses.

Expert Marksman Rogers is a highly proficient marksman and can throw most projectile weaponry with great aim. He is also well-versed in the use of firearms, though he prefers not to use them.

Expert Swordsman Steve is proficient with swords and staffs, but is more comfortable with his shield.

Weapons Proficiency Rogers does not typically utilize weapons other than his shield, but in desperate situations he wields additional weapons to ensure victory. He is proficient in wielding swords, daggers, throwing knifes, staffs, sticks, tonfa, axes, maces and even firearms.

Expert Hacker Rogers can hack into any advanced computer systems without tippling firewalls and security.

Multilingual Rogers is fluent in English, Spanish, Japanese, German, Russian, at least some French, and some Italian. He might be lingual in other languages.

Expert Vehicular Driver Rogers is highly proficient in driving cars, motorcycles, trucks, jets, tankers, helicopters, motorboats, submarines, and some types of trains and utility vehicles