Captain America

Captain America

Steve Rogers

universe The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (2010-2013 TV Series)

Captain America's weapons


Captain America's main weapon is a circular, concave shield that is made of a unique vibranium-iron alloy that is scientifically indestructible. The shield can be thrown like a disc and then return to Captain America's hands by ricocheting off of objects. The shield was destroyed by the intense magical power of the all-powerful Odin Force, and the Captain briefly used the shield belonging to the Goddess Sif as a replacement. The shield was eventually repaired by Wakandan scientists and remains as indestructible as it was before. Cap also briefly used the holographic shield wielded by his Skrull counterpart when infiltrating Ultron's lair.

Captain America's equipment


Captain America uses a motorcycle when he wishes to reach his destination much faster than he is able to run.

Captain America's Shield

Captain America's Shield is a very unique and powerful shield that can withstand any blow or blast and can be thrown very hard at the target then bouncing to other foes before going back to Captain America, the main user.
No equipment or weapons connected to Captain America