Captain Amazing

OC Captain Amazing

Carl Dunn

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Captain Amazing's History

Independent Wrestling

At the age of 15, Carl Dunn began training at a school for wrestling, specifically for performative wrestling. Carl showed a very promising career from this young age and flourished early on in his training. When he graduated in May of 2013, he moved from Chicago to Megalo-City where he was quickly picked up by the popular indie promotion, Free Flight Wrestling Series (FFWS). He adopted the ring name of The Amazing Callahan! and quickly rose in popularity within the FFWS fanbase. In 2015, Carl earned himself a match in the main event of FFWS's yearly 4th of July pay-per-view, Let Freedom Ring. Carl put on an impressive performance and won the match, but in the process of doing so, tore his ACL, putting him on the bench to recover for 10 months.

The Minerva Institute

In November of 2015, Carl applied for a job as security personnel with The Minerva Institute, a research organization based in the United States. He was hired to the security team at the newly established Polymerization Reactor Facility in Megalo-City, an ongoing project intending to utilize the natural process of fusion as a new form of renewable, clean, and efficient energy in a controlled environment. It was a well paying job with benefits that would tide him over until he could get back into the ring again. Until an accident happened on March 17th, 2016. An explosion went off in the primary reactor room, setting off a chain reaction in each of the other reactors. The entire facility was destroyed in the resulting chaos. Fortunately, it was during the night shift, when only a skeleton crew was at the facility. Of the 28 individuals found in the wreckage by rescue personnel, only 1 was reported as a fatality, Dr. Ross Walker.

Early Hero Career

Carl was one of the first victims to make a full recovery after the incident, including a full recovery of his ACL, which was still supposed to take 2 more months to be fully finished. Carl promptly made a return to FFWS as The Amazing Callahan! and picked up right where he left off. But he found he was quicker in the ring and stronger too, just by enough of a margin to be noticeable to himself and his fellow wrestlers that he trained with. Carl began training in the FFWS training building in the evenings in order to test his true limits without fear of hurting others, and one evening a group of 6 burglars broke in while he was there. He hid initially in the commissioner, John Squawkins's office and when the burglars began taking things from the lockers of his fellow wrestlers, he decided to take action. Carl picked up a nearby trophy and felt a change in his body. He ignored it and engaged the burglars, hoping only to drive them away. The burglars brandished baseball bats and attacked him. Carl fought back with the trophy as his only weapon, but successfully defeated the group of burglars, finding he was even stronger and faster than when he was training. When he came down from the adrenaline rush, he returned the trophy to it's case and felt a slight decrease in his body that he couldn't quite identify. More peculiarly, the trophy which looked like cheap imitation gold, didn't have a single dent in it from the fight.

Carl went on to experiment during his night-time training sessions, thinking it was something about that particular trophy. But through his tests, he discovered the same results with all of the trophies in the cabinets. It felt like a stretch, but Carl theorized the gold made him stronger and faster, and that he in turn made the gold harder, because some unfortunate bronze trophies ended up fairly damaged from the tests. A few weeks of these tests led him to engage in defending the nearby neighbourhood from small crimes, and he dubbed this new crime-fighting persona Captain Amazing.

The Order of Heroes

In February of 2018, Carl had been serving Megalo-City as the crime-fighting superhero, Captain Amazing for almost two years. Crime rates across the city had gone down drastically and his true identity was a matter of great public speculation. One evening while on patrol, he was approached by a man in a strange outfit, almost as strange as his own. The man introduced himself as Dr. Matt Washington, and he was one of the scientists with the Minerva Institute working on the Polymerization Reactor the night the explosion happened. More interestingly, was that he knew Captain Amazing was really Carl Dunn. Dr. Washington explained that everyone who was on site the night of the reactor explosion had exhibited extraordinary powers which normal beings should not have been capable of, such as himself being able to increase the electrical currents within his body and externalize them, resulting in outbursts of electricity on command.