


universe Prime Marvel Universe

Buri's powers and abilities

As the founding father of the Asgardian race Buri's powers were far beyond those of the vast majority of his race. Aside from the conventional Asgardian physical abilities he possessed physical strength on a level rivaling Thor. It is unknown if he was using his other powers to augment his strength at the time or if his strength had decreased with age and he had been stronger in his youth. Buri possesses magical abilities to an unknown degree, he has demonstrated the ability to bring inanimate objects to life, a power few gods posses. He can also change the size of himself or other beings and posses some degree of matter transmutation as demonstrated by freezing a frost giant in ice. The full extent of his powers and how they compare to his son Bor and grandson Odin are unknown.


Tiwaz possesses superior attributes to that of a conventional Asgardian god including superhuman strength (Class 100), stamina and resistance to injury. He is strong enough to possibly match Thor in a physical wrestling match. He also has mystical powers to an unknown degree, but he can animate typically non-corporeal objects and decrease the size of living beings, such as he did with Volstagg. He was also able to grow or shrink to any size he wished.


Presumably, as the progenitor to the Norse gods, he possessed the same abilities as his grandson, Odin.

Strength level

As the first Asgardian, in his prime Buri would have possessed strength on par with his son, Bor (Class 100). He also wrestled with Thor (Class 100)