

universe The Gifted

Bulk's History

Season 1

In threat of eXtinction, Mark was with a group of mutant refugees that hid in a shed at Eternal Grace Church, where they waited to be escorted to the Mutant Underground. Later on at the Mutant Underground Headquarters, Mark complained about keeping Chloe out of a cage, so Lauren told him to calm down and wait until they could find out who Chloe really was. Since Mark was really angry, Andy showed up and told him to talk to him if he had something to say. When Mark tried to fight him, Andy used his powers and Mark backed off telling him and Lauren to be careful.

In X-Roads, Mark helped Caitlin Strucker and Shatter to create an escape tunnel after Sentinel Services found the Mutant Underground Headquarters. He used his strength to break through the wall and transmutated concrete to make a path to the outside for everyone to escape in.

He was with the others when they fell back to one of the Underground's weigh stations. He was silent as he listened to everyone argue about what to do next since their headquarters was gone. When Polaris and Esme Frost came to them and started to preach that the Underground's actions weren't going to give them results, he decided to leave the Underground and join the Hellfire Club along with Fade, Sage, and Andy Strucker.

Season 2

In eMergence, six months after leaving the Mutant Underground and joining the Hellfire Club, Mark assists in prepping the munitions warehouse for Lorna's pregnancy. As expected Lorna goes into labor. Her contractions cause her powers to violently manifest, forcing Mark to stop a forklift being sent in his direction.

In unMoored, when Reeva orders for anything and anyone associated with the munitions warehouse where Polaris gave birth to eliminated in order to protect themselves, Bulk blows up the warehouse on Esme's signal.

In coMplications, Bulk looks over the balcony as Marcos is brought into the Inner Circle's headquarters to save Dawn. His child has been diagnosed with a severe case of jaundice. Normally, this is easily treatable, but this case has been stubborn. Reeva reminds Marcos that he is in fact a guest. She continues, also telling Marcos that when he sees Lorna, their own discussion is to be about the child. Lastly, Reeva tells him to help the baby and leave.

In the dreaM, Bulk is sent out along with Fade to find Rebecca Hoover after she runs away.

In Monsters, Bulk attends the Inner Circle’s meeting where Reeva laments the success of their Mutant uprising and their upcoming attack against the Government buildings of Washington. He later accompanies the group to an abandoned railway yard and uses his super strength to open the entrance to the Morlock tunnels and allow them access.

In oMens, Bulk is present when the Frost sisters announce that Lorna and Andy went back to the Mutant Underground. He expresses his concern with how they will take down Sentinel Services Headquarters in their upcoming attack since Andy was supposed to do it. Reeva assures him and the other’s that the attack will go forward. Bulk is later shown helping to load a van with explosives for his group’s role in the attack when Lorna, Marcos, Reed and Caitlin break into the building and a fight ensues. Bulk starts throwing the explosives at them until Polaris uses her powers to trap him between two vehicle. It’s unknown what happened to Bulk when the Inner Circle’s Headquarters is destroyed and Reeva Payge is killed.