

Buffy Anne Summers

universe Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy's weapons

Commonly Used:

  • Wooden Stakes
  • Crosses
  • Holy Water
  • Crossbows
  • Swords
  • Axes
  • Knives/Daggers

Used A Few Times Before:

[list] [*]Military-Grade Rocket Launcher [*]The Enchanted Hammer of Olaf, The Troll God [*]Morning Stars/Mace [*]Gas Pipe [*]Flamethrower [*]Barbed-wire [*]Anything in her surrounding, that can be used to her advantage

Buffy's equipment

The mʔ (Slayer Scythe):

An ancient weapon (resembling a Lochaber ax) designed for the slayer, embodying their mystical essence. A group of powerful, mystical women (the Guardians) forged the Scythe for the First Slayer, Sineya, to kill the last of the Old Ones. The staked end seemed to be stronger than common wood, as Buffy used it to stake several Turok-Hans despite their hard sternums. The blade has also been used to shield herself from D'Hoffryn's energy attacks, and rebounding the rays from a ray gun. The capacity of the Scythe to be used in magic was displayed by Willow, who used its power to activate thousands of Potential Slayers, retrieve, and give back to the power of the Slayers. Even after the end of magic, the Scythe contained magical energy, which allowed Willow to use it to tear open a rift in reality to gain access to Quor'toth, to tear open dimensional portals, cast powerful spells (such as streams of magical power matching the strength of an Old One).

Vampyr (The Slayer Handbook):

A manual given to Slayers, from their Watchers, that instruct them on how to operate as the Slayer. The book was the very first and most complete attempt by man to record and codify the laws of magic and soon became, by common acceptance, the definitive guide to magic on Earth. After the new Seed of Wonder was formed, the pages of Vampyr had turned completely blank. With the sudden return of magic to the Earth, the book was being gradually rewritten, both following common sense and rules written by anyone in its pages. Despite the interest of many creatures in taking the book to themselves, Buffy was the book's owner, eventually accepted and learned the responsibility of understand, negotiate, develop, protect, and control the rules of magic.
