

World of Darkness

Braney's History

For the past several years, an immensely popular TV show created by two Texas 'housewives' has aired on OmniTV, Pentex's mega-television network. The show features a cheerful crowd of children abandoned at a daycare child-barn, who are endlessly entertained by a happy purple dinosaur. Movies, ice shows, and a whole line of toys and clothing perpetuate "Braney" as an icon to children.

Braney is actually Deep-Purple-Dark, a No-Sun Mokolé raised in a Louisiana Gator Farm. His search for power led him to the Atrocity Realm, where he operates a torture pit. Child-spirits are lured into the realm where they are tortured, burned, and eventually eaten by the devil-dinosaur. Black Spiral Dancers are the crew and writers for the show, where he is a toy that "comes to life". However, tapes of the Atrocity Realm sessions are hot items at the very highest-level Pentex corporate parties; Benjamin Rushing has personally approved funding for as long as the "creative muse" remains with the star.

A few Homid Mokolé have become aware of Braney's heinous crimes, and want to deal with him, but aren't sure how to go about it. Access to the Atrocity Realm isn't easy, and killing this creature wouldn't stop demand for the tapes - Pentex could and would find another star and a better-hidden venue. The real solution may be much more difficult.