


universe Dragon Ball Verse

Botamo's History

Universe 6 Saga

Botamo is born of an unknown race from Universe 6. He is selected by Vados to be part of Team Universe 6 to combat against Team Universe 7. The day of the tournament, Botamo attends the tournament with his fellow fighters: Hit, Cabba, Frost, and Magetta. He manages to pass the initial written test and faces off against Goku in the first round. He immediately charges Goku off the bat and tries to get several hits on Goku. Goku doesn't attempt to attack because he is trying to exercise off his food. After this, Botamo begins to struggle keeping up with Goku (in the anime, Botamo doesn't try to hit him). He is taken out several times without even seeing him. He gets punched and kicked by Goku several times but doesn't get damaged, even taking a hit from a Kamehameha. Botamo is pushed down by Goku, thinking Goku was trying to hit him, but grabs his feet. Botamo is trying to get released by shooting blasts at him but couldn't seem to hit him. Botamo tries to punch Goku but he grabs his arm and throws him out the ring, resulting in a ring out.

After his loss, Botamo watches the other matches from the sidelines. He is later seen comforting Magetta (in the anime), who is crying because of Vegeta's insult.

After the end of the Tournament, Hit asks to be taken back to his home in Universe 6, however an enraged Champa tells them that he will destroy them all. Botamo looks on in fear at Champa's wrath until Zeno appears and Champa looks on in horror.

"Future" Trunks Saga

Some time later Botamo and Team Universe 6 re-groups to play a friendly game of baseball with Team Universe 7. The team loses to Universe 7, when Yamcha scores the only point by running all around to home base. He, Cabba and Magetta are then forced to train by Champa.

Universe Survival Saga

The Battle Royal begins and Botamo, Lavender, Shosa, Comfrey and Dercori set their sights on Gohan, Piccolo, Tien Shinhan, Krillin, and Master Roshi. When they charged at them, the Universe 7 fighters jumped up into the air and attacked them with their signature moves after being blinded by Tien's Solar Flare. When the dust cleared however, they were still fine.

He fights Vegeta during the tournament as he blocked an attack by him that was intended for Hit. After punching him repeatedly to no avail, Vegeta initially planned to throw Botamo, but after the latter prevented it from happening, the Saiyan figured out what to do as he tied his arms in a knot, and would have thrown him off the arena if Magetta hadn't interfered. The Saiyan then found himself confronted by the two fighters but remained confident nevertheless. Botamo then teamed up with Magetta to form a seemingly unstoppable duo, which gave Vegeta a hard time in a fight. The two of them were separated when Kale transformed into her Legendary Super Saiyan form and unleashed a powerful widespread ki attack.

Afterwards, Botamo was seen briefly listening to Brianne de Chateau's cry alongside Cabba, Ganos, Panchia, Obni, and Koitsukai as he let Zarbuto, Rabanra, and Bikal fly away and join their teammates in the Kamikaze Fireballs's transformation. He then witnessed the Fireballs' transformation and resisted Brianne's heart shaped explosions that unleashed an odor that filled those who smelt it with love, then dodged the attacks.

Botamo then confronted Piccolo and Gohan, and he proceeded to duel with the latter. The fight started as Gohan kept landing punches at Botamo, only for him to nullify the force with his Botamo Shield, but Gohan still kept on going, with Goku joining in to watch. Botamo then considered fighting back, but then he realized that Gohan was actually lifting and pushing him towards the edge of the stage, and even with his Botamo Beams, he couldn't get Gohan to stop punching him. The latter then kicked him up and fired a Kamehameha at him which pushed him off the stage. Botamo then tried to take out Gohan with his Botamo Beam, but he nullified it with a ki blast, and thus, Botamo was the first member of Team Universe 6 to be eliminated from the tournament. After Saonel and Pirina are defeated, Botamo is erased alongside all of Universe 6.

Botamo is later revived with his universe when Android 17 uses the Super Dragon Balls to resurrect all of the universes that were erased.