Blue Planet

OC Blue Planet

Markus Smith

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Blue Planet's powers and abilities

Superhuman Strength

Blue Planet is incredibly strong, on a superman level. He pounded on Ultraman( evil Superman from another universe), Went toe-to-toe with Doomsday, beat Orion in a arm wrestle( Although, Orion got distracted by something else), punched Despero to Saturn, broken every Lantern construct he's come across, and defeated Lobo and Kalibak. He was on par with a Superman pissed off by red Kryptonite while, for comparison, Supergirl got knocked away in the same fight. He moved his planet Armia, a planet larger than earth, and his fight against Brutalize could be felt thousands of light years away. Speaking of Brutalize, Blue Planet is slightly stronger than him, and he can destroy a world 700x earth's size.

Superhuman Speed

It is unknown how fast Blue Planet truly is, but we do know he is faster than light, he and Brutalize threw 5 million punches in 1 picosecond, kept up Shazam and Superman in flight, defeated Johnny Quick and Red Death, Kalibak couldn't touch him in there fight, and flown around the Sun a dozen times in a nanosecond.

Superhuman Durability

Blue Planet is extremely durable, able to take a bomb the equivalent of a dozen galaxies exploding, being slammed through a planet bigger than earth, tank supernovas like Silver Surfer and take hits from the best the DC universe has to offer. He's took hits from Lobo, General Eiling, Despero, and Red Lanterns. Got back up after Doomsday let him have it, Wasn't all that hurt by a sneak attack from Ultraman, and taken several hits from Brutalize, his near equal.

Fire Manipulation

After taking the power of his planet's fire god and absorbing stars and supernovas, he has gained incredible fire powers. He can shoot flames from his hands hot enough to melt a asteroid 3x the size of earth and vaporize matter. He can form a forcefield of fire that burns at 5 billion Kelvin and resist hits from Brutalize, who can turn a planet 700x bigger than earth into powder with four hits. It can be broken if hit hard enough, but you'll have to resist that heat. He can absorb heat and fire.

Lighting Manipulation

Blue Planet, due to the godly power he has gained, is capable of calling golden lighting bolts from the sky. He can summon multiple at a time and with varying sizes. Blue Planet can also cause the lighting to strike himself, to unleash a mighty thunder attack from his body. This lighting has made Zod howl in pain and knocked out yellow lanterns. Though it didn't prove very effective on Brutalize or Doomsday.

Astral travel

Blue Planet can project his sprit/soul out his body and fight on the astral plane or fight as a ghost.


If Blue Planet is faced with a Hax or ability and it doesn't kill him, he can adapt to it. Depending on what it is, he can't become completely immune, but it will become noticeably less effective. Although this mostly applies to things like Hax and not physical attacks.