Blue Paragon

OC Blue Paragon

Collin Murphy

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Blue Paragon's powers and abilities

Blue Paragon's powers are mostly those of what a Superman-Like Character would have, like Super Strength, Speed, Flight, and Invulnerability, except for X-Ray Vision, Phasing, Super Breath and Solar Energy Absorption. He also has an optic blast ability that is blue in color and is able to control it like Superman (Optic Blast [like Cyclops] is different from Heat Vision, because it fires energy, not heat.)

He has also gained an indomitable will, an Enhanced Sight that's much stronger than the other sense related powers he has. He doesn't have Enhanced Taste or Smell, and his hearing is almost 60% as Strong as Superman's. Not enough to hear something from many galaxies away, but more than enough to hear something from anywhere on a galaxy the size of the Star Wars Galaxy. His Telepathy Resistance can resist many telepathic power users and mind control.