

Beatta Dubiel

universe Prime Marvel Universe

Bloodlust's History

Little is known about Bloodlust's past. She first came to the attention of authorities when she and Whiplash teamed up with Critical Mass and his Band of Baddies in a failed plot to kidnap a powerful mutant girl and her father, which brought them into conflict with Spider-Man and Wolverine, and ended with the girl creating a telekinetic explosion.

Surviving the explosion, Bloodlust and Whiplash later teamed up with Knockout and Mindblast to form the Femme Fatales after they were hired by the Chameleon to battle Spider-Man in a complicated plot to convince the hero that he needed to get rid of his powers. This ultimately failed.

Later, the Femme Fatales were invited to join female supremacist Superia and her all-female team, the Femizons, in her plot render the majority of Earth's women sterile. She aided the other Femizons in capturing Captain America and Paladin. Captain America ultimately succeeded in stopping Superia's plot, however, and Bloodlust disappeared for some time after that.

After Decimation (M-Day), Bloodlust was depowered. After becoming depowered and losing her former claws and fangs, Bloodlust now utilizes a pair of punch daggers.

Bloodlust became a weapon-wielding assassin. The Femme Fatales, now with Viper and Sapphire Styx among their ranks, staged an ambush against the X-Men, Domino and Psylocke when they were in Madripoor searching for clues in the disappearance of Wolverine.