

universe Incredibles

Blazestone's powers and abilities

Pyrotechnic Kinetic Discharges: Blazestone’s powers included the production of pyrokinetic discharges, powerful firework-like blasts that could prove lethal.

Pyrokinesis: Blazestone could actively manipulate fire.

Heat Control and Resistance: Blazestone could increase the temperature of her surroundings and was highly resistant, if not invulnerable, to other heat sources, such as fire.

Flight: Blazestone was able to fly by riding upon heated air.

Enhanced Agility: Blazestone’s NSA file suggested that she possessed some level of enhanced agility.

Blazestone's weaknesses

Water: Since she is a fire powered super, her flames can be put out by water. Rainy weather has caused her trouble on more than one occasion.

Below Zero Temperatures: Since she is a fire powered super, she can't use them in below zero environments.