Blaze Trooper (Clone Trooper)

Blaze Trooper (Clone Trooper)

universe Star Wars Universe

Blaze Trooper's History

The clone blaze trooper was the Grand Army of the Republic's frontline close-combat infantry support unit and a type of advanced jet trooper. It had very heavy armor.

Heavily armored and jet-propelled, the blaze troopers were hulking figures in their heavy combat armor, which appeared similar to that later worn by the Imperial Zero-G assault stormtroopers.

They were tasked with "blazing" through enemy lines and clearing accumulated battlefield debris out of the way of advancing infantry, using their wrist-embedded flamethrowers.

Their preferred method of attacking Jedi and most ground enemies was to rush them using their backpacks to increase their speed, and either backhanding the target while flying past or putting a target in a bear hug before slamming them into the ground where upon they would use their flamethrowers on their opponent.