Blackflame Friede

Blackflame Friede

universe Dark Souls

Blackflame Friede's powers and abilities

First Phase: Sister Friede

First of all, it is suggested to use a light weapon (such as a straight sword, a greatsword, etc.) to avoid the risk of being stun-locked by her fast attacks, and also a greatshield with high stability to minimize some stamina damage. After the beginning of the fight, be careful and learn her attack patterns while blocking with your shield (be careful anyway, because her scythe inflicts Magic damage).

Note that Friede will nearly always jump away after one or two hits, so it is not advised to go for more as it is very easy to disregard stamina and become open for a devastating counterattack. While she seems to have very little poise, she sometimes will almost completely ignore the player's attacks and poise through them with no trouble, guaranteeing the player gets hit if they are getting greedy. Occasionally, she will turn invisible and move rapidly through the room, and after a short time, she will perform a grab with her scythe that inflicts heavy damage if not stopped and is difficult to dodge roll away from. It is possible to track her by paying careful attention to which way she jumps. She will either jump to the side, or over the player's head and land behind them. Another way is to run straightforward at her when she turns invisible, as being in close proximity to her or attacking her will cause her to reappear.

Second Phase: Father Ariandel and Friede

After killing Friede in her first phase, a cutscene will play in which Father Ariandel enters a berserk state, expands the arena, resurrects Friede, and begins to fight the player alongside Friede. During this phase, both Father Ariandel and Sister Friede will share the same health bar, and both will die once the health bar is depleted. Sister Friede will fight much more defensively, opting to cast ice spells from afar instead of directly engaging the player. However, she will still attack if the player gets too close to her. Father Ariandel fights by using his bowl like a weapon and uses it to try and crush the player. He also has several area of effect attacks that are best avoided by staying either away from him, or behind him. He moves slowly and will charge at the player if they are too far away from him to be hit by any of his attacks. -If the player has used Slave Knight Gael's summon sign, he will be summoned into the arena once the second phase begins.

Third Phase: Blackflame Friede

After defeating the second phase, Friede will resurrect a final time. She will now fight with two scythes. Her original scythe will typically be coated in "Black Flame", and will deal significantly more damage than before. Her secondary scythe will deal heavy frostbite damage, as well as wielding multiple ranged attacks freezing the ground and building up your frost bite meter. She will also go invisible and continuously freeze the ground running up to you and won't stop until attacked. Many of her attacks will gain an area of effect and become incredibly damaging. She will also fight far more aggressively than before